Caption: Dedication - Home Economics Newspaper This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
•s eco nose part ig the of Illi ildin! ?rnoon focus ie for ministratnr. The book sots forth her ideals and standards and her legacy of rtch promise in the broad field of educating women for their homemoking responsibilities. TTTTTTT \am ncccis os expj ded BOH lies for homo econotnh education before the UnJverslt; board of trustees in November 050- Con tracts wore lot for uj building* in September 1954. tho ann high ad parent pus and departm (Page Ul CHILD DEVELOPMENT LAB Tribi Deai Dean LTniversi tare tor women tinuing nomics < sity. "In a said, "wt building! to all IB bute to state of means u all phas teaching, sion." He em •true pr from bri but rati work, stl get her.** tomics Mrs. Mrs. home Uni23 to tional r Dr. tative e OrtionsJ rning ^s A. State about >mics presiirsity jrved 1950. slant ecoColr § of *adu*sent itioo nics, rvice row- The new $595,000 University of For the 40, three-and four-yearIllinois Child Development Labor* olds who come four days a week, atory provides opportunity for ex- this laboratory is an extra special panded programs of student ob- nursery school. Each age group servation and participation and for follows a carefully planned schedimportant research in many areas I ule of activities in separate play areas and serves as a "living text* of child development. book" as the children play, sing, This spacious building provides talk, and eat together. facilities for twice the number of While some students and the children and three times the num- staff work with the youngsters. ber of students and parents for- other students, parents, and visitmerly provided for. It also has ors can observe the activities in the first adequately equipped re- special observation booths on the search laboratories available to second fi'dor. home economics for studying chilThe children's areas were plandren and their behavior at the tied and are furnished in keeping University* With their ages and needs. The inDr. Nellie L. Perkins, who is in door and outdoor play areas, wrap charge of child development and room, toilet room, children's lifamily relationships, designed the brary, and dining room are all building and its facilities after scaled to fit the youngsters* some of her research findings in For adults there are classrooms, this area. offices, and parents* library* IWaa