UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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lobs Available lOmics Grads

who is alert and interested in learning. These range from expert management of of her own home r to teaching, publishing, advertisEvery home economics student l ing, merchandising, welfare work. f and institution management—even today has a choice of from five radio and television broadcasting. to six job opportunities when she graduates. The field is expanding rapidly and placement is at an all time high. ^^^^jjj^^^^c \.A3t-yenr the- University of llli* nols had 710 requests for home economics trained women. Of those, 459 were for graduates with Bachelor's degrees and 251 for for graduates with advanced deCounty scholarships paying tun grees. Similar demands were made tion fees for the four years of col-* of all other land-grant colleges in lege are available to students en- the United States. tering the University of Illinois- to While more young women are study home economies. choosing careers in home ecoThe basis for awarding the nomics each year, the demand for scholarship is a competitive exam- trained women continues to far c ination and students in the upper exceed the supply. One reason for 50 per cent of their high school the acute situation is that home class or with a 3.5 average from economies training prepares young another college are eligible to take women for one of the most satisfactory of all careers—the managethe examination. "The examination will be given ment of their own homes. on Saturday. April 27, 1957, at the Graduates \ Marry Early county seat in each county. Girls The record shows that from 80 interested in taking the test should notify the County Superintendent to 85 percent of all women with degrees in home economics marry of Schools in advance. Another county scholarship avail- within two or three years after able to all freshmen students is the graduation. A goodly number of General Scholarship. It pays the them marry before graduation. Another reason for the rapidly tuition fees for the four years of college and the student may select growing d e m a n d for women the area for study. The basis for trained in home economics is that awarding • the scholarship is the business and industry are recognizing the importance of research competitive examination. and training in this area. Both are establishing scholarships and fellowships for graduate study in order to induce more young home economists to continue their study. The list of job needs is a long one. The usual areas such as teaching, dietetics, and extension are far from being satisfied. Research workers are needed in every area concerned with home and family. Business Offers J o b s . Home equipment manufacturers are asking for women trained in home economics to assist in designing equipment and to test its performance. Home equipment companies need home service workers, demonstrators, and saleswomen. The housing field is wide open to home economists with special training in home management. They are needed as design consultants, interior decorators, and family consultants. Even manufacturers of automobiles are searching for young women trained in art and design and schooled in s that best suit t h e m . University of | textile selection and performance. Health education specialists, nudents e x p e r i m e n t w i t h fabrics of itionists, and physiotherapists 1 textures. After choosing one piece pe! needed for community, state, W o g a r m e n t thai w o u l d be g o o d M federal work. Home economies amine is a logical stepping stone.

Home Economics Prepares Girls For Homes, Jobs

Counties Offer Scholarships For Home Ec

fiomics students" Social 'activities frequently follow [these meetings and recreation hours with the Afgricultural Club are planned from time to time. All Home economics students arc eligible to attend. The Home Economics Student Council has ten .student members and two faculty advisers. The major objective of the Student Council is to promote a closer relationship between faculty, students,! and alumnae of the department. The council sponsors High School Hospitality Day each spring, to which high^seflool sophomores, juniors, .and seniors are invited. There are a number of honorary anil professional organizations in home economics. I Two important ones are Phi Upsilop Omicron and Omierotr&iK Phi Chapte>«af^Plji Upsilon Omt eron was establisnett^iit the University of Illinois in 19S6. Membership in this natii nal profession-

ties. The home ecoi and the Studen Hospitality Day quaint high sch campus, college and the various programs. " •" « J Committee chi Danley, Western Boyd, Anna: An field: Marilyn i 'Marina Steggerd Swain, Peoria: I wyn; and Nancy cola.

al organization ii ship, profession! ship, and service Epsilon Chapti was installed at Illinois in 1914. 1 ited % to home who have matnt;

It's not all class w o r k f o r h o m e economics the Plow Boy Pram rolls a r o u n d , f e l l o w s a n d versity of Illinois t u r n t o a w e s t e r n t h e m e , clol A q u e e n a n d her court a r e selected a n d r e i g n o\ festivities.

ill Home Ec Students P Fun, Frolic Into Four Ye<

Home economics students pack plenty of fun and frolic into their four years at the University of Illinois. They are campus leaders in social activities as well as in scholarship. They find time to serve on committees f o r Homjecomiug, for Mother's Day, and for Dad's Day. They are active in the Spring Carnival and in all-University dances and sings. Home economics ! activities get underway in the fall with a Registration Tea for the freshmen. The Home Economics Student Council sponsors a "Cider {Sip" for both staff and students. One of the highlights of the year is the Plow Boy Prbm, sponsored jointly by the Club and the A queen and he and competitior standing niches evening and th tumes to carry Another tradi Christmas Part\ Home Kconomi lura 1 Club me and a special planned. During the s| students arran nomics Tea at who have eari activity honors recognized. Ho: dents also plat style revue for