UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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llUlll ieleose After tAorrh I f ,

High School Girls to Visit VI

Home Ec Council Sponsors Its Eighth Hospitality Day

I High school i ml"ni from all I sections of the stain will have i hand In dedicating the new Unl verslly of Illinois homo economics buildings on April 4. B, and 0. The annual Hospitality Day Is hchcduk'd for April 6 a s part of the three day dedication teremonie*. The Home Economics Student Council Is In charge of the day*, activities, and high school sophomores. Junior*, and seniors have been invited a* the honored guests.

The Home Economi , _Stud. . , Cour c Hospitality Day each year and they serve « i t h other -ihome econor k l student* as hostesses to high school sophomores, juniors, and seniors who v»sit the University o f Illinois campus. The Council tries to bring the faculty, students, and alumnae o f the department o f home economics closer together. Presidents o f home economics dobs a n d representatives f r o m the different classes make up the Council.

Many, Varied Jobs Available For Home Economics Grads


Personal rewards tor t h e girl I who is alert a n d interest who chooses home economics arc learning. These range from ex matched by no other training. She f management of of her own is ready for a professional career to teaching, publishing, advertisand also has the best preparation ing, merchandising, welfare work, Every home economics student for one of the most important of and institution management—even today has a choice of front five all careers—that of home making. radio and television broadcasting to six job opportunities when she graduates. The field is cxd If she wishes to combine a work log career with marriage, she easily turn h e r iMfF? W iftcoMI nos had 710 requests for home home. If she wishes to return t o economics trained women. Of i ones work after h e r family is estabthtse, 459 were for graduates withi(Omii lished, her experience in running h e r own home usually is an asset 'Bachelor's degrees a n d 231 fort Phi C rather than time lost from a cafor graduates with advanced dc- c r o n . w a * r t e r and she has many opportuniCounty scholarships paying tui- grccs. Similar demands were made y c r s ! [ ? ' ties t o combine a part-time posi- tion fees for the four years of col- of ail other land-grant colleges In | l M ? r s " 1 F | tion with her duties at home. lege are available to students en* the United States. __ _ — . — tering the University of Illinois, to while more young women are The young woman with a home I t u d * h o m e e M n o m i c s . choosing careers in home ecoeconom.es degree h a s i . good geno .warding the nomics each year, the demand for T h o basis f r ^ J ^ ! S ? <psychology,i . S ! S : I •**»«** b * competitive exam- trained women continues to far ? L ^ ^ , languages t^e sciences, and art when she graduates. She i nation and students l a the upper exceed the supply. One reason for has also studied nutrition as well 90 per cent of their high school the acute situation is that home as t h e buying, preparation, and class or with a 3.5 average from economics training prepares young another college are eligible to take women for one of the most satisservice of food. the examination. factory of all careen—the manageShe knows about fashion and the "The examination will be given ment of their own homes. • _ core and testing of textiles as well on Saturday, April 37, 1057, at the Graduates Marry Early as sewing: about interior decora- county seat i n each county. Girls tion as well as the use of the ncw-| Interested In taking the test should est home equipment.' She knows I notify tiie Cotm Superintendent lo n.i percent of all women w i t h ! degrees in homo economics m a n y about budgeting for family aecnr- 0 r schools in a d nee. fcf and about buying a home and Another county scholarship avail- within two or three years after buying insurance. She has mfor- able to all freshmen students is the graduation. A goodly number of • u t i o n about child care and child General Scholarship. I t pays Uw them marry before graduation. Another reason for the rapidly development, family relations, and tuition fees for the four years of a great deal about good citizenship, a l l e g e and the student may select growing d e m a n d for women ' Training in home economics can the area for study. The basts for trained in homo economics Is that business and industry are recogopen the doors of an almost on- awarding the scholarship la t h e nising the importance of research Smiled number of fields to a girl j competitive examination. and training in this area. Both are bushing scholarships and fclIt's not all class work for home economics students. When hips for graduate study in Lr in Induce more young home the Plow Boy Prom rolls around, fellows a n d girls at the Unieconomists to continue their study. versity of Illinois turn to a western theme, clothes, and music Xhc list of job needs is a long A queen and her court are selected and reign over the evening's one. The usual areas such as teach- festivities. Inat dietetics, and extension are farl from being satisfied. Research workers are needed in every area concerned with home and family.

KlFor Homes, Jobs

9 | $ ; $|Counties Offer Scholarships I For Home Ec

Tours of both Bev.'er Hall and the Clhld Development Laboratory are scheduled. The girl* will visit laboratories and classrooms where home economies students will grte demonstrations and explain exhibits of Ihcir class work and future careers. The high school guests will have an opportunity to talk with students and teacher* about c a r e e n l a home economic! snd student life at the University I Students enrolling in home eco- of Illinois. nomics at the University of Illifrtylc show planned and proI nols will find several organizations I In the department designed to help duced by OI home economies stuthem become better acquainted dents will give the girls a view of a typical college wardrobe. AttenI with the faculty and their fellow tion will also be directed to cost students. and maintenance of the wardrobe. J The Isabel Bcvicr H o m e . EcoAlthough this day is planned nomics Club has monthly meetings where speakers discuss problems especially for high school student* of special Interest t o home eco- and their parents, many dedication nomics students. Social activities guests will take pert la the activifrequently follow these meetings ties. The home economics department and recreation hours with the Aggricultural Club are planned from and the Student Council sponsor time to time. All home economics Hospitality Day each year t o acquaint high school girls with students are eligible to attend. campus, college life The Home Economics Student and the vai Council has t e a student members programs. ?B •Sd two faculty advisers. The maCommit tce - *d«jjpaWaTeT'nalne jor objective of the Student Coun- D a n 1 L A _jtvi££rn Sprin c.c; Barbara cil is to promote • closer relaPut* Sommertionship between facult nhn, Hinsdale: and alumnae of the ] ^_^_^ Urbana; Nancy The council spons Swain, Peoria; Lyon Kemauk, Beri Kt/nauk Hospitality Day e s ^ T p r l h g ; Schrader. TnaUrfffiol sophomores. niors are invited. i number of honor-l el organiza essional organizations ship, profe

Home Ec Groups Bring Faculty, Students Closer

Finding colors onar iTyToT thai beat au Illinois home economics students export* different colors, designs, and toxiuroi. Art of /notorial, the girls sketch o garment for ihtitn using this fabric.

> fobri if) one

Bnflnesa Offers Jobs Home equipment manufacturers are asking for women trained In home economics to assist in designing equipment and to test Its performance. Home equipment companies need home service workgaatonttratora, and sa learan, The housing field Is wide open to home economists with special training In homo management. They are needed a s design consultant* Interior decorators, and family consultants. Kvon manufacturers of automobiles are searchtrained In inn for young women u heeled In ar anil design and ach to; He selection and performance, pent a ; jcallh education spucla lima, nuthoraplata IrltSonlBia. and physlot ohtmunlly, state, are [oderal wora. Home economic* nn and Erolnlnc U a logical stepptne stone

Ul Home Ec Students Pack Fun, Frolic Into Four Years

Home economics students pack (jointly by Ibe Hon tM-.momini plenty of fun and frolic into their Club and the Agric ltutal Crab. four years at the University of, A queen and her cou | arc elected Illinois. They are campus l e a d e n and competition is t e e n . An outin social activities as well as instanding orchestra plays for the evening and the guests wear cosscholarship. tumes to carry out the theme. They find time lo serve on comAnother traditional event Is the mittees f o r Homecoming, for Christmas Party sponsored by the Mother's Day, and for Dad's Day. Home Economics Club. AgriculThey are active in t h o Spring tural Club member* are invited Carnival and In all-University and a special atunt program at dames and sings. planned. Homo economics activities got During the spring semester the underway In the fall with a Regie* students Home Ko (ration Tea for the freshmen. The [ nomlc* Tel •h time Homo Economics Student Council rt]lu have t cholastlt sponaors a "Cider Sip" tor both I activity hone it tho yet staff ami students. recogniird. ; .-I'lWUliC; One of the highlights of the your [dents also i produc is the How Hoy Prom, sponsored. stylo revue I .-r*s Day