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tf*U«i(4 Ah*. »„,.), 15, f f f f Home Economics Courses Prepare Students For Interesting Jobs Clsuruoni In* ptrtmvnt of ho changed tine* 1 p.«r BUM Usted At that tint -Urn ti female *tndrnt able accoanmotl vldcd." During the next leotard Increased attention, la | 1900. laabel Barter established new department «ith a new nan —Household Science, and taw of the first courses da tarts on home healing, plumbing. lighting. Today's home cconomi W select mm ses covcrini) variety of subjects In nunj In these course*, theory si | lice are expertly combined students balanced training for careen of their choice. Curricula leading to :n •naing and exciting l E S , or MS. degrees in he htckening quality of I nomics with the various cq JJerings .art organised u n Kdueallon and ft-i'twitd •am* and ilndenl lab* igarians raTnome economics today covet menl, a home economics scientist is meo Home Economics Research Leads The Way To Better Homes, Better Living Tomorrow inc. offers an equall field of research. L>i few years, scientisj fields have created a of man-made fabrics The field of textiles and cloth- ated these fabrics mu tested, and compare fabrics to dcteroiinj Can Apply For place in the textile world. This is the job of the resean h-s and clothii N e w Graduate How trill M"« fabric wet Wash? Ft a hot day? On Assistantships cold day? kind of treatment Positions for girls with advanced does it n< tiring? asent time. 24 full-time degrees in home economies arc al• staff me mtWTs'w'tfwp t«M»sr limitless • \n,f the exsdiiare" family at home economics are program in home economics at the p n ^ habits o\er highly important and University of Illinois provides for Still others are studying •blems in their fields. IS assistantships. trends in (he i pattern of Irving to find ways to In the area of foods and nutrikos between .parents and im prove the Quality tion are two teaching and four ren the home. • a of the foods search appointments, while in famquestions and countless to fbad better: ily life and child development are an only bej answered : foods: better' four assistantships in the nursery scientific research. them. They go1 school, one position as dietitian i to study what for the nursery school, and one Freshmen Scholarships is prepared in research appointment. then frozen and One teaching and one research Three Kroger schoBtrships in ait lengths of . graduate position are available in home economics and' four Sears, Look? How docs housing and household managc- Roebuck scholarships {for home s the nutritive | ment, i s well as one teaching ap- economics, are available to enterit last in freshly pre- pointment in institutional adminis- ing freshmen at the University of value tration, and one in textiles and Illinois Each scholarship carries pared The; idying the kinds clothing research. a value of $200 and is awarded on and at Two teaching appointments re- the basis of scholarship, leadership, ods that people of difi quiring the master's degree are of- and financial need. Application ced. In a tries, home eco- fered in borne economics educa- blanks should be requested from rc turninc their tion. C D. Smith, Assistant Dean, ColAppointments to these positions lege of Agriculture. University of atienuen to the home k will be made April 1. To bo con- Illinois. Urbana. Illinois. Is in this room of the hoi sidered for 1957-58. applications a homeroakrr spends mu should be made by March 15. For time. What kind of equip: I more information, write Dr. Janice she need? Where shot M. Smith. Head. Department of placed? How should i Home economics. 260 Bevier Hall, ranged? What a r t the Urbana. Illinois. storage needs of today' search laboratories of . at the University of m truths are being ch will lead the way mes and better living cientific investigations trried on in foods, nuiog. textiles and clothfinance, child develop;niiy relationships. The d from these studies in the home, in busiteaching both college hool home hami-maker? What will these needs be tomorrow ? They are challenging questions, and research in home economics will help find the an- Theory and practice are combined in home economics classes at the University of Illinois. Here students in a home furnishings class compare design and texture of fabrics for draperies. Home Economics Extension Service Provides Classroom For All Women In State of Illinois From the fifth floor of Bevier I programs, homemakers are kept in- J at fostering undcrsta Hall on the University of Illinois formed on new- and better ways to | w omen from alt com | campus, an efficient home eco- I plan menus., prepare foods, fur- In Jllinois, suppoi t nomics staff directs an off campus nish the home, handle family ft- i nomics extension eon extension educational p ' r « t r i m • nances, plan kitchens, buy and | oral funds, state fun which directly or indirectly affects [ make clothing, and provide tor the i contributions via the health and development of family Ibureau organisations I nearly every citi:en of the stale. j funds are -granted tt I . It 15 from this floor that BiiUI i members. I Much of this information comes laity of Illinois tor th anet and direction U given to the home economics phases of the (ex- • from the research staff of the de- I pose of supporting hoi tension Service la Agriculture and partment of home economics. Other extension at the «wi Home Economics. This supervision new information comes from the I During the past fUc rovers the work of 130 county ex I research programs of other unlvvr local funds totaled tension home economists who i sities, governmont agencies, and MO0.00O. Federal am servo as home advisers and assist- {commercial companies. Some or- I for-tho same period ant home advisors i of the Raton iginates from the practical oxnor1 ionco of homcniakcrs themselves. si on Service. tratuo personnel m The Interests of lHlnols women The organisation of qff-cainpus i Service includes education in- hmnn economics also art not confined to the home, how* Howard, adko sciw* includes more 'than 44,000 local over, and the programs of the K\the SOIMVV; W. <k homemakers who tonga as • local rtension Service art dewwoed to WiritHl Director and I rvccgntEO the breadth of these in- Mate 1. Of-cam put education In homo economics Is < available to leaders In the various teaching and j tercsts. of Farm Ad\ innx training activities. and Uil try homomokaf of the slolo 'through the homo economics acV. SUte ladder ll Coil si do ruble program attention Homo J Many of the home economies exj lonslon Mwvka. Conferences! liko tho ono obovo •batwoon adlit given to community and eh, ic a I Inrnhm ti and subject motionspoclatisla ore used practical programs deal with the 1 fairs at'WoU as to state, national. Mrs, day to day • problems of ft of work (for tho year; In addition to tho dairy hnmeiiMklng. Through local | and t v t n ttnternatloiul programs. wotlc gtosso by KOMI* tconomlct extension poraunntlj morv than community meetings and demon- I Many ootawn oMho state belong to 46/QQQ bnnwHMoIutrs strvo ot local loddort In teaching and strations a fid through the u»e of | l h * Anwl«M<t f w i u l i v MI.MI.K t.( news stories, radio and- televW** Mho World, an otjanUatten, aimed lialfiffiy a<i(vlllei.
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