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Caption: Dedication - Home Economics Newspaper This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
uiuuivj suuutu HV requested irom ^rwn • WIVIOW i^UI IWII1ILS C. D. Smith, Assistant Dean, Colintments to those positions lege of Agriculture, University of made April 1. To be con- Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. fer 1957-58. applications v be made by March 15. For iformation, write Dr. Janice ith. Head, Department of Economics. 260 Bcvier Hall. L Illinois. . •',•*•'*' • •••'f= classes a t the University of' Illinois. Here students irr a home furnishings class compare design and texture of fabrics f o r draperies. , I f - :— -• " =e Home Economics iExtenston Service Provides Classroom For All Women In State of Iffinois programs, homemakers are kept in-; at fostering understanding among formed on new and 'better ways to women from all countries. plan menus, prepare foods, furIn Jllinois, support for home econish the J home,'* handle family fi- nomics extension comes from fed•n^ntpeSj, plan kitchens, buy- and eral funds, state funds, and local make .clothing,* and provide for the contributions via the county home health and development of family bureau organizations. These local members. funds are * granted to the UniverMuch of this information comes sity of Illinois for the. direct purfrom the, research staff of the de- pose of supporting home economics partment of home economics. Other extension', at the county level. new information comes from the During the past fiscal year, these research programs < of other univer- local funds totaled more than sities, government agencies, and $400,000. Federal and state funds commercial' companies. Some- or- for -the-same period amounted to iginates from the practical exper- $708,881. ience of homemakers themselves. Top administrative personnel in The interests of Illinois women the Extension Service includes are not confined to the home, how- Dean -Louis B- Howard, .who serves ever, and the programs of the Ex- as Director of the-Service; W. G. tension Service* are designed to Kammlade, Associate 'Director and recognize the breadth of these in- State Leader of 'Farm Advisers, terests. and Lulu S. Black* State Leader, of Considerable; program attention Home Advisers. is given to community and etvic 'affairs as ! well as to state, national, Mrs. Ann Lavender Scarson, and even :internationali programs. 1951; -from* Christopher, is a a asMany women of-vthe state belong to sistant -home economics director the Associated Country Women of for Beatrice Foods Company, Chithe World, an organisation, aimed cago. mornics is available to h fher h o m e economics >ne above between a d f e n speciaf is ts* are used • o n frt ado1 ttion to the r\ personnel/ m o r e tfean ciders inr teaching and From the fifth floor of Bevier; Hall on the University of Illinois campus, an efficient home eeo-; nomics staff directs an off-campus extension educational p r o g r a m * which directly or indirectly affects nearly every citizen of the state. t It is from this floor that guidance and direction is given to the home economics phases of the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economies'. This supervision covers*the? work of 130 county extension home economists -who serve as home advisers and assistant home advisers of .the Extension Service. The organization" of off-campus education' in- home economics also includes more than 46,000 local homemakers who serve as 'local leaders in the various teaching and training -activities. Many of the home economics exf tens/on programs • deal with-'the, practical day-to-day ; problems of daily homemafcing. Through • local poTTurranity- meetings and' dement strations -and through the use of news stories, radio and television
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