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[UOIITy TTT WHB w • qourvcfi TTJ iionit fro unaitfivno rnxmr vrmjtlippMP nomloa With t h i VftfiOUl OOUfiO of" adjualablo partition/! 10 ftttdmtJ fiM'Wiu* IU'0 oruuui/tid undor. flvo| MB VUftt" llmlr Ideaa of furnlturo m a j o r d i v i a u m : . of I ho depart n i r n l |and room nrrani/ommilN. An ultra model n oafHenu I0CV* Thoio. include child Dovtlopnu'tit iintI Family ReljitlQAlhip§» Food* lntf daily lunchcouu to htudriit*, and Nutrition, Home ManaMomonl, fdaif mmnbtrf, urul townwpotfplo I ir.f if lit lull M a n a g e m e n t , ami ' | V x providoa aUidonln in lu/ililnf nm tlloi nud (MolhlOH. In addition, hiu jmaun/ionienl, with a practical food deula may major in Jlomo ICeo- aorvlco laboratory. IM.M,, i—ii \\u tht 1Mb in othoj' • i<i<* variety i' once* oi'O" bo studied, with othor their right Id. lo rC'Nmrrh I rtothlntf. brio wear? day? on a ! treatment rinr.V u rtrlfiifIriffi •uttMi Viu family iibitN ovor * studying « pattern of euuijUo^ annwmod m*rh. %hip. irrJiipM in MII' Moiirr*, for home to ontor* Ivor^lty of j j> cur HON warded on eadorallip, MUHI pplimfion from >0flUi Col Fhoory <imJ practice orr#* icomblnncj 1 in home vconomki vorMlly of clones of ili« Unfvonlty of HMnoi*. Htro itudtMi in o home furnlihlnQt clan compare cfoilQn and fixture of fcibrlti lor droperloi* mics I Extension Service Provides iLAILWomen In State of Illinois if I if II imo Icr I pi'o/;ram/i, liounuiiaKor/i ai o kept m I at fn.derluit undorMtaiulio*: lol« foriiii'd on now and holler waya to \\\ onion from all nmuttlr*. ffiOJ plan moiMiM, proparo^ i W d r ^ f m ^ _±n nihmin „ >.»•! *.»•» 1