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THE Extension Editorial Office For The Dedication Of Tfw r^ew^omejtonoml€t "HOME" ILLINI Building* April 4-6, 1957 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS, UBRAW* Release After M a r c h 15, 1957 DEDICATE NEW BUILDINGS Ceremonies To Start April 4; Registration In Bevier Hall A new e n in home economics education and research for people in Illinois and throughout the country will begin with the dedication of the new University of Illinois home economics buildings April 4, 5, and 6. The new buildings, Bevier Hall and t h e Child Development Laboratory, will house the teaching, research, and extension activities of the Uniersity of Illinois department NOTE TO EDITORS ^____— This Information on plans for of home economics. Witty of Illinois Bevier Hall hou •s thi leaching, re irch, and extension acThe three-day program calls for The n* the dedication of the two new •hii six-story building ties of the d e p a ^ ^ ^it ^ home economics. The mod* •n facilities ^ of University of Illinois home eco- three days of dedication cereo better hoi end family living for nomies buildings has been pre- monies with the third day devoted ivide for expanded rJograms that will lead ma program pared especially for use by to showing high school students and throughout the country. people daily newspapers hi the state. the opportunities and facilities We would appreciate observance available to them in. home a nomics of the March 15 release date. Registration Thursday monun*. High school home economics •will be in Bevier Hall and Illinl students attending Hospitality. Day April 6 will receive this i.UnEon, followed by conducted toura of the two new buildings. A issue as a souvenir. symposium Thursday afternoon Newspaper editors may re- featuring nationally known home quest 8\10 prists of all photo- economists will start the dedicaum.Fetv colleges or universities in the United States hate , graphs used la the issue. Ad- tion ceremonies. A special dinner at the ifidern or complete home economics facilities than those Bevier Hail was named in mem.. dress your requests to Exten- that night will recognize women "* «w= u m t . r ory <rf Isabel Bevier, head of the sion Editorial Office, 350 Mum- who have worked for the building of these new structures, Bevier Ha7l, v . " u n 0 1 s (Home Economics Department at ford Hall, 1'rbana, Illinois. Friday morning, another symof t n e m o s t m o d c r n University of Illinois buildings on the the University of Illinois from posium consisting of borne ecois n a m e d i n m e o of Bevier. pioneer h o m e e e c S ^ »*y tabel "OM*%t. nomists and an educator will furHonor Illinois Women Univerxitv *f,ff '» „ « " W - : c s educator who joined the Her most active home economies ther explore the future of home university staff at the turn. life paralleled l h " J;—•——« -» At Dedication Dinner economics. A convocation that attIf the cvntu — | crnopn with an address by FlorFive hundred UlirmU •»><•«<» up-Ionian- classroom E. Allen. J a d a ^ t j tw ^ZS*** ****** ^ n J boratorics. aiant HaU features seven ». and extension scttvuSv n Ice areas. Between i aaaaa students T l — • • ! — • ! MPwL tooda and nutrlUon. clot.'•,n«: and study In the Ubrnrj and visit-and textile*, (nstUiitlnn Management, rebut tn the studc t lounges on ruinoi. dinner for University of ill tnm second and third floors. r 5 a,umn e and home iiuium aient. 1036-1049. you meet Isabel Bevier •V-T; ^ ~~T^ T?" a and students will b "~ lS*l£."* a * ° research areas in A delegation of these women out- Oven Friday sight —the woman, the scholar, the ad led the needs of expended facili• " <ld development and family reministrator. The book sets forth 1 Bed the needs nf J.-—..J. t •—ATI •anal ' I Saturday iionshljia are In the Child Deties for home economics education the annual has been designated as her ideals and standards and her Hospitality Day when velopment Laboratory.p before the University board of high school students, teachers, and tJF$% " S " D r o r i d s facilities n November 1950. Con- Parents visit the University camtor 750 undergraduate and 100 * let for the buildings pus and tour the home economics econon homemakiOg responsibilities. I „ Seoi bcr 1954 SJi r i£"* »<s majors department. ™M» •Jd for 500 non-majors. This is about twice the former number tfairiir .* ra™PS more informaUl CHILD DEVELOPMENT LAB The six-story, red brick buildition on plans for Hospitality Day). Nationally known home eoono ing faces east on Goodwin Avenue aerost from the women's gymnasi-' mists and educators will take part un, andp w bonded on S F X w symposia commemoraUng the is Tribute From hy " a ' h » Avenue and on the dedication of the University of Illiwuth by Gregory Drive. It la & nois home economics buildings Dean Howard shaped, with one arm of the**& April 4, 5, and 6. longer than the other l - n A ^ i i * *• "award of the . J o simplify traffic In the build- . J P ^ 5 3 r > T h , l r s a a - V afternoon , l niversity's College of Agricui: lure today paid tribute to the S , . ^ d a > ' mornlnS W W focus I "0,n.™ o< "linois for their co> on T h c Ch ! | »»»'»S interest in home eT"! JJBlca edacattea at the UrdverI Home Economics.' On Thursday. Dr. P t u U o e P a J „r. i a .. " s c n 5 ? ' " » « » Howard Wilson Knapp. director of the butMl™ *'***«*•"•* our new M^rrUI Palmert ""• h0m S t r o Una T?home °economics. * tD »1>f ' " b U School, to all Illinois ciliiens. It b a tri uon to \«TSiBK C 0 a b ouu t n o m o economics nm K-ii J n'ty will be Mrs noW h **«"*» Van Aken Burns. SSL mean . « the ce n n nm VDS s t a , e fcadw ol home 3 ' P**** !7 home economies eh. e- ot ^9mf ' hM ' 1 in f" economics extension at the Uni. JjJjWe* research, a Ra « , c g JjraHy of Illinois from W B to Bevier Hall Houses Home Economics New Building Name, Teaching, Research, and Extension HonorsBevier Isabel Name Speakers For Dedication rrE T r »"«wc to, Judge Allen Will Give Convocation Address On Friday affah^ e win C0 S 0m i? international I*.- w w 1 *? di «M»ed by Dr The now 5593 000 . . . J ? ! e M ^ a u K h t o n . renreaenlauS ,M the Food and U C Agriculture Or- Illinois Child i w i ™ .. K ° Uedini; •»?£ "" '' S h i . t o r y p r ^ ^ T u X ^ ^ m r l n g " " , h e Friday morning panded program, of student ob A graduate of Western iLwW.' in S . ~ B to 1 M 0 Dr fflTa P°*1Uon "»«• »»»• ana hat served £ < ^ £ i K £?£,•%* became thn rim -• 19EL, she uw lint woman elected in » • Supremo Court of O W o Ohi« . ! * « reelected taiSza " * t o i h e n ? , . 0r 1 bo" , , n ,o** l n ""•»Sa f h n " economics. Jr" J21ltt'*2J'.m "PPolntcd to Mia. A ? * . ir S ^ ' i t X ^ u o ? ' Vi°WS - director i« , S w a n B o n, assistant aircaor in cliurgo of home ceo * Aasoclatlim I For the 40, thrcc-and four-ycarolds who come four days a week, this laboratory Is an extra special nursery school. Each age group follows a carefully planned schedule of activities in separate play « child d o S S m " m i n y a r e n s areas and serves as a "living textbook" as the children play, sing. D ,dcs talk, and eat together. While soma students and the 0 ^ of rtUdonU and n a r ^ . T ' itaff work with the youngsters, I meVly provided for n t " w L01 other students, parents, and visitl the first adeouBii? " , •*• ors can observe the activities ii Lcnrch labol ' r l •* c a i " , o c u « • special observation booths on the home e w S r ^ ^ H second flour. dren and the r £ 1 8 , , . 0 y l n , ; c h " ' The children • areas were plan] Unlvowlty. * * bfh «»tar at the had and are furnished In keeping Dr. NeUie 1 n rkl • w h o ta l a with their ages and needs. The In• V charge of cliUd aov ^*' S door and outdoor play areas, wrap & reinMonlt W olopinent and room, toilet room, children's II !'"« and T U J dI°slB|>od the orary, and dining room are all /a , of ff? I, i omtios after scaled to fit the youngsters. area *'«"*h finding* In For adults there are classrooms, office!, and narents* library. Be emphasized, however that r^1"" ^ ^ r r m ""M not come euTraTJ*' f * ** n «^ hut rather from people ' °«h» faSe.^Sl^'tt r
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