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i mm^ DEDICATORY EXERCISES TO UK IIKM) IN TUB *U, » j\tulifoi;ium aff the Wmtljiuihlntg i t 1 o'clock P. M., December 10, 1873. MUSIC By the University Band PRAYE;-! SINGING—University Anthem. UNIVERSITY CHOIR. {The Words awl Music of this anthem were written for the Inauguration in ftt08.) HISTORICAL ADDRESS—1867-1873, BY THE REGENT. SINGING—Dedication Ode ADDRESS SINGING— So/a, ADDRESS UNIVERSITY CHOIR. BY GOV. J. L. BEVERIDGE. STUART. BY MISS M. E. BY G E N . JOHN EATON, Of Washington, XI. B. Commissioner of Education* BY MISS KINCAID. PROF. SINGING—Solo, ADDRESSES—BY J. B. TURNER, D R . RICHARD EDWARDS, G E N . M. BRAYMAN, AND OTHERS. MUSIC * V4v By the University Band. BENEDICTION. ft ^ H&95nv** m myu 2