Caption: Dedication - New Agriculture Building This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Program D O C T O R W I L L I A M L. NOBLE, President of the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, Presiding Scripture Reading and Prayer of Dedication DOCTOR P A U L VOGT Superintendent Rural Work, Board of Home Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, Pa. Address —"Making Headway in Scientific Agriculture" DOCTOR E U G E N E DAVENPORT Dean and Professor Emeritus A d d r e s s — " T h e Influence of Education and Research on Agricultural Progress" PROFESSOR HERBERT W . MUMFORD Dean of the College of Agriculture Delivering the keys of the Agricultural Building to the President of the Board of Trustees PROFESSOR JAMES M. WHITE, Supervising Architect M R . CHARLES Representing the Architect, A. PLATT Committing the Building to the Care of the President of the University DOCTOR WILLIAM L. NOBLE Response by the President of the University