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60 1 6 1 . Banker and his Wife-hy Qui n ten Matsys—(1406 1531), the " smith of Antwerp." He was a blacksmith in Antwerp, and did notdevelnpe his talent for painting until the last part of his life. His style formed the connecting link between the early Flemish school and the works of Rubens. D A V I D TENIERS—(1610-109-1). One of the most famous painters of t h e Flemish school, noted for his skill in executing go-called genre pictures, or representations of common life. He was a very prolific painter, and all of the chief galleries of Europe contain many of his works. 1 6 5 . St. Peter Denying Christ.—The picture from which this is taken, is in the Louvre at Paris. I t represents St. Peter at the moment when he denies his Saviour. 1 6 6 . Study of Horses.— The original is in the Louvre, and the work of a Flemish painter, Van der Meulem. 1 6 7 . .Marriage of Henry t t'and .Marie de .Jfledicis.—This is one of a series of pictures in the Louvre Gallery, called the History of Marie de Medicis. The series was begun by Ruben9 in 1621 and finished Y in l(>2o, under the supervision and the command of the widow of Henry IV. The paintings are very large, making all of the figures life size, and occupy half the space in a long salon. These are evidently of hasty execution, and are probably only in part the work of the great Flemish master. 16*. Virgin and .!ngcls.—This is also from one of the pictures of \ Rubens in the Louvre (see No. 98), representing the Madonna surroundi d by saints anil angels. 1 6 9 . The Hide, by A. Cnyp, a dutch landscape painter of the 17th century. 17©. Crucifixion by Rubens.—From a picture in the Louvre representing St. John, the Virgin Mary anil Mary Magdalene at the foot of the cross. H A N S . HOLBEIN—(1498-1554). A painter, sculptor and architect of the German school. He lived during the greater part of his artist life in England, under the patronage of Henry V I I I , and enjoying the friendship of Sir Thomas More. He freed his style very perceptibly of the German mannerism, and lost the stiffness of arrangement and execution that characterized his father's works. 171. Portrait of.tunc of Clcves, the fourth wife of Henry V I I I . This picture is in the Louvre Museum, and represents the Queen arrayed in rich stuffs and decorated with jewels. w ISatlle of Sabines and Ilomans, by David, (see engrav- \ ings No. 36.) 1 7 3 . Esther Before *1ha$uerus.—A picture in the Louvre mus- \l earn, by Coypel (1661-1722), a painter of the French School. The King descending from his throne supports the fainting Esther who is followed by three attendants. Plater Dolorosa, by Mignard, a celebrated French painter of the l"th century. The sorrowing Madonna is represented with her hands crossed upon her breast and eyes upturned to Heaven. Gl ITS. Burial of.llala, by Girodet, a French artist who flourished in the commencement of this century. This picture, which is in the Louvre gallery, represents a scene from the story of the Indian maiden Atula, by Chateaubriand. Here, her lifeless body is being laid in its last resting place by Chactas, her lover, who embraces her knees, and the good hermit Aubry who sustains the maiden's head in his arms. The scene is portrayed very effectively and is full of pathos and feeling. 1 7 6 , Portrait of Bossnet, by Rigaud, a French portrait painter '•'of the 18th century, sometimes called the French Van Dyck. 1 7 7 . Jt'oli me langere.—A picture in the Louvre gallery by Lesueur, a French painter of the 17th century. This artist can only be studied at Paris where he resided during his entire life. French critics praise nil style very highly, although the sensibility and tenderness they admire results in a lack of strength, and there is a want of depth in the coloring which detracts much from the beauty of his pictures. ITS. .Marriage ofJflary and Joseph, by Charles Van Loo.— (1705-1765), a painter of the French School. The virgin Mary kneels at the left of the high piiestand receives the nuptial ring from Joseph who kneels on the other srde. Behind the virgin stand a woman anil two men—above the scene is the floly Spirit in the form of a dove. l~J>. Horse and Stable, by Gericault, a painter of the beginning _. of this century, who exerted a very prominent influence upon the modern French School. This picture belongs to an early period of his life when as an amateur he was simply a painter of horses. «. ISO. Virgil and Dante Crossing the Styx.—This painting, by Delacroix, is in the Luxembourg Gallery of pictures. It exhibits in a marked degree the originality of thought, and boldness of execution for which this artist was noted. He belonged to the modern French School, and flourished in the first half of the present century. 1S1. Portrait of .Madame E>e Brun and Daughter, painted by Madame Le Brun herself and now in the Louvre museum. She was the wife of theartist Le Brun,and beeamequite famous for her skill in executing portraits. Many specimens of her style exist in the galleries of Europe, and exhibit agrace of movement and beauty of coloring which could not be surpassed. i jjf %»~**~-f Jj , A N T O I N E J E A N GROS.—(1771-1835.) This artist belonged to the school of David, although he formed a link as it were between the en thralled art of the 18th century and the freer school of the l!)th. Under the patronage of David he was made a member of the Institute of France, and Professor in the School of Fine Arts. 1WJ. Francis I and Charles fat St. Denis, by Gros.—Charles V having occasion to visit the Netherlands in 1540, was invited !>y Francis to stop at Paris on his route. This picture represents the French monarch displaying the royal tombs in the church of St Denis (the Westminster of France) to his haughty visitor. All of the personages in attendance upon the two monarchs are portraits of grandees of the French court. .
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