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Caption: Book - Gregory Art Collection Catalog (Gregory) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
48 £>Y_ y X».36. A view of the Piazza del Popolo, an open square at the end of I '" the Corso. The obelisk in the center was formerly in the circus Maxiod was brought from Heliopolis by Augustus. //. i^^&l' The arches of the Claudian Acqueduct, begun by Caligula A. D., finished by Claudius 50 A. D. Its length was over 4(i miles. _*JS. The arch of Seplimlus Severns erected to him and his two HIUS [%-'' A. D. Adorned with bas-reliefs of his victories in the east,—hi? entry into Babylon, etc. , J. **"• Ruins of the Basilica of Constautinc, near the Roman forum. Built of brick. > » 4 0 . A view of St. Peters and the open square before it. To the right — is the entrance to the Vatican. Tne obelisk in the center of^the place brought to Rome by Caligula. The colonades at the sides were erectly Alexander V I 1 . I I . The interior of the church of St. John in Lateran. This was church of the pope before the moderu St. Peters was built, and is one he oldest in Rome. A very fine specimen of the Roman basilicas, 4"i. Fountain of Trevi. One of the largest fountains in Rome. It is said that to throw a coin into its basin before leaving Rome insures a return there. . ^ ^ 4 3 . View of the square on the summit of the Capitoline hill. In center stands the bronze equestrian statue of the emperor Marcus : Aurelius. f V I E W S OF V E N I C E AND NAPDKS. 14. View of Venice, showing the entrance to the Grand canal. The ^ • ' urch on the opposite side of the canal is Santa Maria del la Salute. - 15. Palace of Rezzonioo on the Grand canal, Venice. 4 6 . View of Venice. Beginning at the light we see the Prisons, the Palace of the Doses, the Campanile, or bell-tower, the library, and he public gardens. ."i-lT. The Palace of the Duke of Feriara, now need as a public mus(^ i, Venice. t. , .• |— I8< View on the Graud canal at Venice. Two palaces of the fif!\ nth century ; one belonged to the Vescori, the other to the Doge l'osoari. r* £ 4 9 . A view of the beautiful cathedral of St. Marks at Venice. This building, erected 976 A. D., is in the Romanesque-Byzantine style, which is peculiar to Venice, and decorated with lavish magnificence. It is said that there are no less than 500 columns on the church. Its form is that of a Greek cross with equal arms, covered by a dome in the center and one at the extremity of each arm. 5 0 . Capitol of Column from the Ducal palace in Venice. 5 1 . The inner court in the Ducal palace and the " stairs of the MUS^ g i a n t s ; " so-called because of the colossal statues of Mars and Neptune Executed by Sansovino in 1554. On the highest landing of these above, E steps the doges were once wont to be crowned. ^ - 5 2 . A view of the main portal of the Ducal palace. It is called the Porta della Carta from the placards formerly exhibited on it to announce the decrees of the republic. The portal is constructed of various colored marbles and has been recently restored. 49 5 3 . Loggetto around the Campanile, or bell-tower, in the place of St. Mark, at Venice. The reliefs and statues on it are by Sansovino. 5 4 . A view of the library and loggetto at Venice. The old library was built in 1516. The facade is of the Doric and Ionic order of architecture, and is crowned by a balustrade, from which rise many statues. The edifice was erected to receive the books bequeathed to the republic by Petrarch and the cardinals Bessarione and Grimani. 5 5 . A palace on the Grand canal in Venice. 5 6 . The tomb of Canova In Santa Maria dei Frari, in Venice. I t -' ' was designed by Canova for Titian's Mausoleum, but after his death was taken for his own. ' 5 7 . A general view of Naples. 5 V View of the quay at Naples. 5 9 Panorama of Naples taken from San Martino. This view shows t~j the far-famed eurve of the bay of Naples with Mount Vesuvius on the /' opposite side. 6 0 . The Chiaia, a beautiful drive and promenade skirting the bay of Naples. 6 1 . A view showing the Vesuvian bay and batteries built out into the water. 6'2. The eruption of Mount Vesuvius, April 26, 1872. 6 3 . A view of a street of tombs at Pompeii. This street is nearly of | the same width and is paved like the Via Appia and other Roman roads. I t is lined with tombs like the Appian way. 6 1. View of Florence taken from the Boboli Gardens. The large building with the dome, in the center of the city, is the cathedral; to the right is the Campanile built by Giotto, and beyond that is seen a smaller dome belonging to the Baptistery of San Giovanni. The square looking building with a tower still further to the right is the Palazzo Vecchio, the seat of the government of Florence since the thirteenth century. *(^ 6 5 . General view of Paris, showing the Seine, the island called the Cite and the two towers of Notre Dame. 6 6 , View iu one of the gardens at Paris. r < " - 6 7 . Fountain in the garden at Versailles. 6 8 . View iu the garden of St. Cloud, near Paris. 69. TO. TO. 72. 73. 71. 75. 76. nix. V I E W S OF S W I T Z E R L A N D . View in the pass of St. Gothard. Devil's Bridge on the St. Gothard pass. Chamounix and the Col de Baime. Ascension of Mt. Blanc. The Mer de Glace, a glacier at Chamounix. The Chamounix valley. Valley of Survoz, Mt. Blanc in the distance. Glacier of Argentiere, on the route from Martigny to Chaniou- \- i I a f 77. The village of Grindelwald with the glacier beyond. 7S. The Glacier des Pelernis in the southwestern part of Switzerland. 7 9 . Lake Riflelhorn. (7)
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