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Caption: Book - Gregory Art Collection Catalog (Gregory) This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
. 28 {JO) S 6 . Virgil.—(70-19 R. C.) One of the greatest of Roman poets. Augustus and Maecenas were patrons of Virgil. The " jEneid" is his chief work. 8 * . Dcmosthenes.-VASO-?,^ R. C.) This face is very different from I hat of I^o. 72, nor can it be proved which is the better likeness. 8 8 . .limy Stuart.-(1542-1587) Queen of Scotland famous for her beauty and misfortunes. She was executed in the castle of "Fotheringay, whereshe had been confined for many years. l_ . S 9 . Fhtlippa of Uatnault.-Qumn of Edward I I I (1310-1360.) She was the mother of Edward, the Rlack Prince, and noted for her piety and benevolence. * ' . 9 0 . Burke—(1730-1707) He was born in Ireland but is celebrated as an English statesman. 9 1 . Chatham.—{1708-1778) One of the most illustrious of British statesmen. 9 2 . Fax.-{ 1748-1806) English statesman. 9 3 . Lord Bacon—(1501-1626) Famous as a scholar, wit, lawyer, statesman, politician and philosopher. 9 4 . Cromwell, Oliver-(1609-1674). A noted character of E n g lish history. Lord-protector in 1053. 9 5 . Milton.—(1608-1674) The most illustrious of British poets. 9 6 . Shakspcare.—(1564-1616) The most famous dramatis! of England, 9 7 . Pope.—(16§8-1744) A celebrated poet. L,j~. 9 * . Dr. Johnson.—(1709-1784) The noted lexicographer and writer. 9 9 . Drydcn.-{ 1631-1700) An English poet. 1 0 0 . Addison.—(1672-1719) An English writer, famous as the editor of the " Spectator." 1 0 1 . Coivper.—(1781-1800) -A distinguished English poet. , 1 0 2 . Faraday.—(1794) English chemist and naturalist. 1 9 3 . Co6r/cn.—(1804) An English politician. l o i . Lord Brougham'.-English statesman. t e a . Burnt.—(1760-1796) The greatest of Scotch ) ?\> 1 0 6 . Gladstone.—(1809) British statesman. 1 0 7 . JTupoHon /.-(1769-1821) Famous French emperor and ; ' general, born at Ajaccio, in Corsica. He died in the island of St. Helena. This bust is by Chainlet, a French artist. f9[ l O S . Marie Antoinette—(1765-1792) The daughter of Francis 1 and Maria Theresa, of Austria. In 1770 she was married 10 Louis XVI. She was beheaded during>the revolution of 1703. 5 0 1 9 9 . Henry »F*.-*-[1663-l610] King of France and Navarre, called the Great. He was much loved and esteemed by all of bis subjects. It • H O Jluiron.—[1707-1788] A celebrated French writer, called the " Pliny of F r a n c e . " , n L.H'' Cuvier,—[1769-1882] One of the most e m i n e n t naturalists of •• modern times. The world is indebted to him for the additions he made to the science of zoology. ' 29 112. Fenelon [1651-1715] Archbishop of Cambray. He left many writings, but the book by which he is best known is his " Adventures of Telemachus." Uf; . ; . 113. Mtossuet.—[1627-1704] The most eloquent of French preachers. 114. Washington.—[1732-1709]. 115. Lincoln.—Bust made by L. W. Volk, an American sculptor. •^ I 116. S. .1. Douglas.—By Volk, of Chicago. PA Clay.— The great Kentucky statesman. Daniel —[1782-1662], American statesman and 118. Webster, jurist. Eminent American philosopher and 119. Franklin.—[1706-1790] politician.; •j. 120. Goethe.—[1749-1832] The greatest modern poet of Germany. His greatest production, " Faust," has been repeatedly translated into English. 1*1. Schltler. -[1759-1805] German poet and dramatist. -fey 1 2 2 . Julian iW Medici.—Brother of Pope Leo X and younger son of Lorenzo the Magnificent. 1 2 3 . Dante.-[1226-1821] The greatest of Italian poets Famous for his Hi vina Com media. 121. Garibaldi.-[1807]. tytt+JjuAi-f-'i 125. Merlini.—Head of an old man 70 years of age, by Maiauo, a Florentine artist. 1 2 6 . Itrontolone.—Head by Lucca della Robbia. 1 2 7 . Benincni.— The original of this head of an old man is in the Louvre, and is the work of an Italian artist. I L E A L HEADS. 198. Young Greek Girl.—This is a head after the Greek style by a modern artist. 1 2 9 . Faun.—This cast is probably taken from a bust in the Vatican museum in Rome, though there are repetitions of this head throughout the European galleries. This and the following were such statues or busts a3 were placed at the boundaries of estates. They represent the true type of satyrs—frolicsome creatures, always meddling in the affairs of humans. ISO. Faun. [SeeNo. 129]. 1 3 1 . Old Greek.— This antique bust is in the British museum at London. It was found in Hadrian's Villa near Tiv ,li, in 1771. From the character and expression of this head it has bee., generally (bought to have belonged to an heroic figure, which could hardly have been an isolated statue. The characteristics of this head prove it to be of the fourth period of Greek art. The nose, part of ea-h lip and a part of the hair are restored. The hair is disposed in snort, rough masses, the beard short and close, and " the countenance is remarkable for a subdued intensity of pathos rare in ancient art." Uo^ \f&i 132. Bead of a Barbarian.—The original is one of the chief IfOb' 71H ornaments of the British museum. It was found in the Forum of Trajan at Rome. This bust has been variously supposed to represent Arminius; the celebrated German chief, who was conquered by German icii-, I
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