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i, i 6 6 . Marcus .1urelius, surnamed the Philosopher, (b. 121, 1I.I8C 18 i D.) was one of the be-it em per ors oi Rome, ana arter ins ueatn the emuer of Kome, and after Ins death .) Roman senate and people voted him a god. 1ilvjL-<kJ.i.V ' » ' • CaracaHa,* Roman emperor who ascended the throne ill 211 und was assassinated 217 ,v. D. ^//•• — 6 8 . Alexander Severn*, emperor of Ro ne(b.205, d. 233 A. D.) . He was a very successful general. \c£jfj&9. Euripides (b. 480 B. C.) A Greek ting >dian. wj ' TO. Socrates (b. 470 B. C.) The most, eminent of Grecian philosophers. Tow.iMs the latter pari of bis life he wa-scharged iviih despising the gods of (I reece and corrupting the Athenian youl h, an i was seilten ced to drink poison. (Jt»di*. ?*. tlippocratcs (460 -861 I>. (' i A Greek physician, and styled father of medical science. u j j'~ VI. inmosthems (380 —322 B.C.) The great Athenian nrjlor. One of the finest busts of this famous (free!; state-man Cti-lfcf' 3 . Homer. T h e poet of antiquity, neither the date of his birth, nor his mil ive town is known. Seven cities disputed lor the honor ol bis birth place. The probability is that he was an Asiatic Greek and lived in the ninth century B. (' ? I. Victoria, (born May 24, 1819 i a bust of the present queen of Engl 'id. Princess of Wales.— The Danish princess Alexandra, who married the oldest son of Victoria. 14QI ' % Elizabeth. (1533—1602) queen of England. She was the V ' daughter of Henry VII 1 and Anne Boleyn. In 1558 she ascended the throne, and her'rule was one of themosl wise and beneficent England had i ver known. "SK. .time iloleyn.— One of the most unfortunate of the wives of Henry V I I I She was beheaded in 1586. T8. ./alius Casari— (100—44 B. C.) Executed in the latter "part of his life.' I u 7 9 . .Intoiiiiius I'ius (86—161 A. P.) becaute emperor in 138. The -/ name Pius' was given him because ol' his excellent rule and the tranquil**+~~~ lity of hie reign. LM*'*" **<M**W mSiisfUtttUm —This celebrated bust of the Emperor ' Augustus Caesar is in the Vatican museum at Rome. It was discovered *•""'•'- in the beginning of this century atOstia, and is one of the tin est port rait ousts known, 81. i'enung Caligula, the Roman emperor and tyrant, began his reign in 37 A. I)., and was assassinated In 41. His atrocious .acts of impiety, folly and cruelty are attributed to insanity. LJi S'l. .luiia.—Probably the daughter of JuliusCassar. / , / / . ? l v u « » > i 3 . Empress Faustina.—-(125-175) The wife of Marcus Auruelius/and younger daughter of Antoninus I'ius. S i c was the Messtilina of her day. / DG 84./ Cicero.— (108-43 B. C.) Thegreat Roman orator and statesman. This bust is . very line specimen of portrait-busts. < 8 5 . Seneca-—(l-H'i A. I). I A Roman philo-oper, moralist ami statesman. F.e'was the tutor of Nero, who condemned him to death. .



5 0 . Julius Casar. - This bust as well as rhe others of Roman emperors in this collection, is probably from the famous hail of Roman busts in theCapitoline museum. Very many of these busts of the emperors bave been found in Italy, and as (hey were executed at a period when art was Mil] highly cultivated, the likenesses are probably correct. At one time every Roman citizen was compelled to have in bis house a bust of the reigning emperor. Julius Caesar, Ihegreat general and statesman, was horn lno 1?. ( \ , and was assassinated in 44 B. C. The features in this portrait are fuller and more rounded out than in most of those extant. 6 0 . Augustus Ctrseir, the lirst Raman emperor, ruled from SO B. C. to 14 A. 1). He was the gland nephew and adopted son of Julius Csesar. His rale was called the " Golden Age of Literature." The head of this bust is crowned with a wreath of leaves. 6 1 . .Igrippa, Marcus (d. 12 B. C.) He was a friend and general of Augustus Caesar, and father of the celebrated Agrippina, wife of Tiberius Caesar. «••>. Tiberius Casar. (84 B. C—37 A. D.) He was the second Roman emperor. Before his accession to the throne he was very.successful as a general, hut when be became emperor grew licentious and sanguinary and died universally bated. Winckelmann says of these busts : " The lips of the Roman emperors are generally closed, indicating reserve and dignity, free Iron, human passions and emotions. H'.i. Jfero. -A Roman emperor bom 87 A. I)., died in 68. Be was the most ciuel of the emperors and is noted for his blood-thirsty persecutions of the Christiana. Nero died by his own hand in consequence of the successful rebellion of Oalba. In all of his portraits Nero is represented with low blow, brutal lace and B certain expression of cunning Cl ucity that accords well with his character. 6 4 . J'ilellitt*.—One of the most contemptible of the Roman emperors. He was rai-ed to the throne by his soldiers in 69, and was put to death after a disgraceful reign of only eight months. He was an Inordinate glutton. <»•">. Trajan.— A Spaniard born in 52 and died 117 A. D. He was one of the best, of rhe Roman emperors, sustained the military glory of Rome by foreign conquests, and ruled for the welfare of the people. The face expresses something of his firmness of will and benevolent heart.


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