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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
990 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 16 After a preliminary discussion of President Stoddard's recommendations (Minutes, January 12, 1950, page 965), a tour of inspection of the buildings and other facilities was made. Following the tour, the discussion was continued. On motion of Dr. Meyer, the Committee voted to recommend to the Board that the recommendations of the President of the University be approved, subject to the release of funds; also that a request be made of the Governor for the release of funds from any surplus available in the appropriations for the Agricultural and Veterinary Science Buildings (including the Contingency F u n d ) , to complete the Dairy Barns according to a study made by Professor Carter and Director Havens, have priority if and when funds are available. H . E. CUNNINGHAM, Clerk COMMITTEE ON AGRICULTURE WALTER W . MCLAUGHLIN, KARL A. MEYER, M.D. W I R T HERRICK Chairman O n m o t i o n of M r s . H o l t , t h i s r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s a d o p t e d . REPORT OF COMMITTEE O N BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS O N BONEYARD STORM DRAINAGE PROJECT M r . Livingston, for the Committee on Buildings a n d Grounds, presented t h e following report. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds met at the University, in Urbana, on February 4, 1950, to consider a communication from President Stoddard on the participation of the University in the Boneyard storm drainage project. Present: Mr. John R. Fornof, Chairman, Dr. Karl A. Meyer, Mrs. Doris S. Holt, and Mr. W i r t Herrick, members of the committee; Mr. H . E. Cunningham, Clerk; also Professor Coleman R. Griffith, Provost; Professor W . C. Huntington, Chairman of the Building Program Committee; Professor Lloyd Morey, Comptroller; Mr. C. S. Havens, Director of the Physical Plant Department; Mr. E. L. Stouffer, Architect; and Mr. A. J. Janata, Assistant to the President. Letters from President Stoddard, Professor Huntington, and Director Havens were presented. After discussion, and on motion of Dr. Meyer, the Committee voted to recommend to the Board that the University express its willingness to participate in this project and to request an appropriation from the General Assembly to cover a payment representing the benefits to the University which are determinable according to principles proposed by the University Building Program Committee. The time of payment and the priority in the general program of the University are to be determined at a later date. H . E. CUNNINGHAM, Clerk COMMITTEE ON BUILDINGS A N D GROUNDS JOHN PARK KARL MRS. WIRT R. FORNOF, Chairman LIVINGSTON A. MEYER, M.D. DORIS S. H O L T HERRICK O n motion adopted. of M r . Livingston, these recommendations were FEDERAL AID FOR HOUSING T h e Comptroller reported informally on efforts to secure federal aid for the construction of housing. COAL SUPPLY T h e Provost reported informally on t h e coal supply, a n d stated that under t h e present restricted use, there should be enough coal to last until early April.
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