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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
954 BOARD O F TRUSTEES [November 29 To carry out this program, installations will be required in the University High School, Illini Union, University Club, Men's Residence Halls, and McKinley Hospital. The first step in the program is the preparation of plans and specifications and securing of accurate estimates. To accomplish this, additional engineering services are required. The Director of the Physical Plant and the Comptroller recommend the employment of Graham, Anderson, Probst, and White, who have designed the fire alarm telegraph system on the campus, on the basis of actual cost of labor and blueprints, plus 100 per cent, plus travel expense if such is necessary. The total cost of the engineering services on the above projects is estimated at approximately $4,800, of which the proportionate share on self-supporting buildings will be financed from their income, and other projects from Physical Plant operating appropriations. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute the above contract. O n motion of Mr. Fornof, this recommendation was adopted. SECRETARY'S REPORT OF CONTRACT T h e Secretary presented for record the following document signed by the President and the Secretary of the Board, and deposited with the Secretary since the last report. Piatt County Agricultural Conservation Association, release of land south of the Amenia elevator in Piatt County, for grain storage — dated August 29, 1949. SECRETARY'S REPORTS T h e Secretary reported the following lists for record, as printed in the Appendix. 1. Appointments made by the President of the University (page 955). 2. Graduate fellows (page 958). 3. Resignations, declinations, and cancellations (page 958). TOUR OF CHICAGO PROFESSIONAL COLLEGES At this point, M r . C. L. Williston, Manager of Public Information, reported on the tour of the Chicago Professional Colleges arranged by Dr. Ivy and the Deans, and President Williamson invited the trustees and officers of Southern Illinois University and the trustees and officers of the University of Illinois to join in the tour. On motion of M r . Livingston, the Board adjourned to meet on fiveday call by the President of the Board. H . E. C U N N I N G H A M K E N N E Y E. W I L L I A M S O N Secretary President
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