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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS In English 93I J A M E S L O U I S JACKSON, A.B., A.M., 1938, 1040 L E W I S MALCOLM MAGILL, J R . , A.B., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1934; A.M., 1043 GLYN NICHOLAS THOMAS, A.B., A.M., 1042, 1946 In Entomology P E H - I CHANG, B.S., National Central University, 1941; M.S., 1946 In Geology BENJAMIN GROTE, B.Ed., Western Illinois State College, 1928; A.M., 1934 KARL JOSEPH KOENIG, B.S., M.S., 1941, 1946 In 1946 History FREDERICK ALEXANDER PALMER, A.B., State College of Washington, 1941; A.M., In Mathematics DWIGHT BENJAMIN GOODNER, A.B., William Perm College ( I o w a ) , 1934; A.M., Haverford College, 1935 In Metallurgical In Engineering GLEN W I L L I A M W E N S C H , B.S., M.S., 1946, 1947 Philosophy T H O M A S MORRIS H A Y N E S , A.B., Butler University, 1941; A.M., 1949 In Physical Education PAUL ALFRED HUNSICKER, B.S., Syracuse University, 1939; M.P.E., Springfield College, 1941 H E N R Y JOSEPH MONTOYE, B.S., Indiana University, 1943; M.S., 1947 In LEON BESS, B.S., M.S., 1942, 1946 Physics SHERMAN FRANKEL, A.B., Brooklyn College, 1943; M.S., 1947 HERBERT ERNEST KUBITSCHEK, B.S., University of Chicago, 1942; M.S., 1947 In Physiology R A Y LEROY H A Y S , A.B., M.S., 1041, 1947 In Theoretical and Applied Mechanics STANLEY IRWIN W E I S S , B.Aero.E., M.Aero.E., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1945, 1947 CHIA-SHIANG Y E N , B.S., National Central University, 1939; M.S., 1946 In Zoology JOHN ARTHUR SEALANDER, J R . , A.B., Luther College, 1940; M.S., Michigan State College, 1942 RALPH MARTIN WETZEL, B.Ed., Western Illinois State College, 1938; M.S., 1939 Professional D e g r e e s Degree of Doctor of Education RONALD W I L L I A M CLARK, B.S., 1927; A.M., University of Chicago, 1932 VYNCE ALBERT H I N E S , B.S., M.S., 1933, J 937 DONALD M A R T I N SHARPE, A.B., Monmouth College, 1930; A.M., University of Chicago, 193S; Ed.M., 1041 DON FREDERICK THOMANN, A.B., A.M., University of Chicago, 1938, 1941", Ed.M., J 947 RAYMOND G. WILSON, B.S., Memphis State College, 1933; Ed.M., Duke University, 1942; Ed.M., 1946
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