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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 911 f. For research in the Department of Pediatrics on the role of amino acid metabolism in leukemia 4 200 00 g. For research on analysis of psychological data on schizophrenia in the Department of Psychiatry 7 326 00 h. To support a study of the "Effects of Betatron X-Ray Beam on Bone and Cartilage," in the Departments of Radiology and Pathology 15 000 00 i. Cancer Grant Division, for the project "Effects of Betatron X-Ray Beam on Central Nervous System," the research to be carried on jointly by the Departments of Radiology and Neurology and Neurological Surgery 11 275 00 j . For research on facial growth after removal of mandibular condyle, in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2 943 00 k. For research on "Cephalometric X-Ray Study of the Growth of the Human Head from the 8th to the 15th Year" by the College of Dentistry 3 780 00 1. To continue research on histopathology of gingivae in systemic diseases 7 344 00 m. For morphology study of odontome or tumor formation in a known strain of rats in the Department of Histology 10 703 07 111. Junior Auxiliary of the Winnetka Women's Club, $10 in memory of Mr. John P. Trecor, for cancer research in the Tumor Clinic 1000 112. For deposit in the Occupational Therapy Gift F u n d : Women's Auxiliary, Illinois Association of Chiropodists, #10; Angeline Howard, $30 40 00 113. Women's Auxiliary of the University (Chicago Professional Colleges), $80 to be deposited in the Occupational Therapy Gift Fund 80 00 Total, Funds from Private Industry, Foundations, Other Organizations and Government Agencies for Research and Graduate Study (356 310 96) B. Funds Received from Individuals: 114. Seven anonymous donors, $2,950 to establish a trust fund, "Renal Research Trust," for investigations in renal research by the Departments of Pharmacology and Medicine 2 950 00 115. Anonymous donors: a. For postgraduate teaching in the Department of Surgery 1 000 00 b. For the "Dean's F u n d " of the College of Medicine.. . 300 00 116. Dr. Albert H. Andrews, Jr., of the College of Medicine, ?9.oo for deposit in the account, "Miscellaneous Otolaryngology Fund—Lederer" 9 00 117. The family of Dr. Ralph C. Berkelhamer, Sioo for the annual scholarship award known as the "Dr. Ralph C. Berkelhamer Scholarship" 100 00 118. Mr. Philip S. Bloom, Chicago, 83,900 in continued support of the Philip and May Bloom Allergy Research Fellowship 3 900 °° r i 9 . Mr. Joseph Danielowski, Chicago, #250 to the Department of Otolaryngology 250 00 120. Dr. William B. Downs, 325 for the Allergy Gift Fund of the College of Medicine 25 00 121. Mr. L. R. Gottschalk, Chicago, #60 for research in nutrition 60 00 T22. Dr. John J. Fahey, of the College of Medicine, £530.75 for research in Orthopaedic Surgery (Chandler Research Fund) 530 75 123. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Higgins, in memory of Peggy Higgins, 550 to the Pediatrics Gift Fund 5° 00
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