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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 83. Smith, Kline, and French Laboratories, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: a. For research in the Department of Pharmacology on the nature of muscular relaxation to be carried out with the aid of known and of newly synthesized d r u g s . . b. For research on "Method for the Assay of Orexigenic and Anorexigenic Drugs in R a t s " in the Department of Clinical Science c. For research on analgesia in the Department of Clinical Science d. For research on the effects of amines in experimental renal hypertension and other experimental hypertensions by the Department of Physiology 84. E. R. Squibb & Sons, New York City, $4,000 for research on striated muscle relaxants in the Department of Pharmacology during the period of one year from May 1, 1949 85. Swift and Company, Chicago, $3,500 for t h e renewal of a grant for research on amino acids in the Department of Surgery 86. The Toni Company, Chicago, $7,300 for research on "Sulfhydril Compounds in Cellular Respiration" by the Department of Clinical Science 87. VioBin Corporation, Monticello, ?i,ooo for continuation of research on peptic ulcer and its prevention 88. The Wander Company, Chicago, $1,500 for research in nutrition in the Department of Clinical Science 89. Wyeth Incorporated, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, $5,000 in support of research on the isolation of cholecystokin conducted during 1947 90. American Cancer Society, Inc., New York City: a. For the construction of the Illinois Division Cancer Exhibit for the Museum of Science and Industry by the College of Medicine b. For research in the field of cancer in the Department of Radiology 91. American College of Physicians, $121.39 t o D e placed in a General Research Gift Fund, Department of Medicine, for general research purposes. This represents the balance of receipts from the Postgraduate Course in Endocrinology given by the American College of Physicians under the auspices of the University of Illinois College of Medicine 92. American Medical Association, $625 for a study of the effects of a Radium D. Applicator produced by the Canadian Radium and Uranium Corporation in the Department of Ophthalmology 93. American Foundation for High Blood Pressure, Cleveland, Ohio, $5,000 for research on "Pathogenesis, Prophylaxis and Treatment of Experimental Renal Hypertension" by the Department of Physiology, College of Medicine 94. American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers' Research Laboratory, New York City, $4,882 for research on physiological adjustments of human beings to rapid changes in environment (July I, 1948, through June 30, 1949) 909 9 350 00 3 740 00 3 000 00 2 000 00 4 000 00 3 500 00 7 300 00 I 000 00 1 500 00 5 000 00 50 000 00 20 000 00 121 39 625 00 5 000 00 4 882 00 95. Asthmatic Children's Aid of Chicago, $10,000 in support of the Allergy Unit and Allergy Research Work 96. Chicago Heart Association, Chicago: a. For the study of "The Effects of Stress and Diet on Renal Hemodynamics" in the Department of Pharmacology b. In support of a project in the Illustration S t u d i o s . . . . 10 000 00 10 000 00 3 000 00
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