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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
886 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 29 pointment of Professor H . S. Hoyman, a specialist in public health. Professor F. E. Boys, who is in the same area, will also supervise the medical factors in all experiments using human subjects. The increased strength in all of the life sciences means a real addition to the sciences that are basic to agriculture, but the College of Agriculture, in its, own right, has added to its research and service personnel. Professor A. I. Nelson, whose specialty is food processing, and Professor Z. J. Ordal, whose specialty is food microbiology, are notable additions to the Department of Food Technology. Professor M. B. Linford brings the background of his long career as a specialist in plant diseases to the Department of Horticulture. A major step toward the introduction of new statistical methods into the field of economics has been taken in the appointment of Professor Leonid Hurwicz. Professor Hurwicz will also be a notable addition to the growing power of the University in the application of mechanical and statistical procedures to a great variety of research problems. Mr. G. R. Beam has become the Director of the Statistical Service Unit, and late last year Professor W. G. Madow, specialist in probability theory, was named to the Department of Mathematics. Another notable appointment in this general area is that of R. E. Meagher as chief engineer of the electron digital computer. In the usual quota of replacements on account of death, retirement, or resignation, an attempt has been made to secure able young men and women who give clear promise of useful careers at the University. All departments report enthusiastically of success in this attempt. In some areas which have been under pressure on account of heavy enrollments, junior staff additions have been made simply to absorb teaching load. The quality of this staff and of the hundreds of part-time assistants is, according to Dean Ridenour, uniformly high. Except for the appointment of Associate Dean Fred W. Trezise, formerly of the Galesburg Division, to replace Associate Dean R. P . Hoelscher in Engineering at the Chicago Undergraduate Division, no substantial changes in personnel have been made at the Navy Pier. The teaching skill of the staff is excellent, and transfers from the Undergraduate Division to the Urbana campus are giving a good account of themselves. The most notable event at the Chicago Professional Colleges is the new program in nursing education in cooperation with the Cook County School of Nursing and by affiliation with other hospitals in the City of Chicago. The laboratory for aviation medicine and physical environment has been fully activated. A physicist and a pathologist have been added to the staff of the medical betatron, and the first human patients have had initial cancer treatments. Under the excellent leadership of Dr. A. C. Ivy, all of the professional divisions are moving ahead in research, in the quality of clinical instruction, and in public service. Except for the appointment of M. J. Galbraith, formerly Director of Student Welfare at the Galesburg Division, to a new post as Director of Student Affairs, the main staff additions, both academic and nonacademic, have been in the technical areas. In spite of record enrollments in all divisions, an excessive number of large classes has been avoided, new equipment has been purchased, the pulse of research is steady and strong, and the morale of the faculty is high. The year 1949-1950 promises to be a great one in the history of the University. COLEMAN R. GRIFFITH Provost BOND ISSUE FOR SMALL HOMES C O U N C I L HOUSING RESEARCH PROJECT Schedule of Bids Received o e j fiemo er j ^ , J9*4y Bidder I . John Nuveen and Premium Company 2 . Shields and Company 3- Farwell Chapman and Company 4. Milwaukee Company x $ 4° OO Coupon Rates 2K~2K%' 2K-4% 3% 2^-4% Interest Cost $56 960 00 58 300 00 60 866 03 64 240 00 Net Average Interest Rate Per Cent 2724 2-783 2.910 45 OO 1 863 97 3.072 zV2%, 1950 through 1 956; 2y4%, 1957 through 1969.
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