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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 849 In Philosophy THOMAS PATTERSON HARDEMAN, B.S., Murray State Teachers College, 1047 THOMAS MORRIS H A Y N E S , A.B., Butler University, 1941 In Physics Science RAYMOND FARWELL GOODRICH, A.B., Miami University, 1948 In Political J O H N KARL HOTUIZ, A.B., 1948 D W I G H T BOYD MITCHELL, A.B., 1948 JOHN PETER SYDOR, J R . , A.B., 1948 In Psychology J U N E BRAMLET E R W I N , B.S., 1947 IRENE FLORENCE KENTNER, A.B., University of Manitoba, 1043 JULIUS W I L L I A M KLING, B.S., 1948 E D W I N DAVID LEVIN, A.B., 1948 GILBERT WALTER MEIER, A.B., Washington University, 1948 In Social Sciences SHIRLEY EUGENIA BROWN, A.B., Langston University, 1048 LESLIE BLAINE CANTERBURY, B.S., 1947 AUBREY LLOYD PULLIAM, B.S., University of Missouri, 1938 ROBERT R U S H R A N K E N , A.B., Muhlenberg College, 1947 In Speech MARGARET A N N THOMPSON, A.B., B.S., 1939, 1940 LORENA Ross WALTER, A.B., 1946 In the Teaching of English GEORGE DOUGLAS WATERFORD, B.S., Tuskegee Institute, 1935 In the Teaching of Social MITCHELL LAWRENCE KOSTRO, B.S., 1948 Studies In Zoology JOHN K E N N E T H TURNER, A.B., James Millikin University, 1947 D e g r e e of M a s t e r of Science In Accountancy FREDERICK CLARENCE FORD, B.S., 1048 DUDGEON BRENTNALL GIEZENTANNER, B.S., University of Oklahoma, 1939 EDWARD ELDON JUDY, B.Ed., Illinois State Normal University, 1939 JOHN DANIEL O ' N E I L L , B.S., Creighton University, 1948 DONALD HARVEY SKADDEN, B.S., 1948 JOHN EDWARD W H I T E , B.S., 1948 In Agricultural Economics GORDON CHARLES KLEIMAN, B.S., Western Illinois State College, 1948 THEODORE IRVIN MCCARTY, B.S., 1048 HOWARD FRANKLIN ROBINSON, B.S., Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina, 1948 THOMAS THACKERY WILLIAMS, B.S., Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina, 1948 In Agricultural Engineering MAURICE L E R O Y BURGENER, B.S., 1948 BEVERLY JACK BUTLER, B.S., 1948
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