Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S 813 (c) a citizen of Piatt County to be selected by the other two, to conduct investigations of wage rates in Piatt County in connection with construction work on the Allerton trust properties of the University in accordance with the Prevailing W a g e Act and to report to the President of the University and to the Board of Trustees that they were not able to ascertain any prevailing wages, or, if ascertainable, to report with respect to prevailing rates of wages involved in such construction work in that locality. I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of Mr. Fornof, these recommendations were adopted. REQUEST OF BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY (2) A request on behalf of the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University for a joint meeting with the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for the purpose of discussing the common aims and problems of the two institutions has been presented by the President of Southern Illinois University. It is also suggested that there be a preliminary meeting of the officials of the two institutions to prepare an agenda and determine what matters should receive consideration by the two Boards. This matter was referred to the President of the University for further study. CHANGES IN ADMINISTRATION OF RADIO STATIONS (3) Sometime ago Mr. Josef F. Wright, Director of Public Information, Director of Radio Stations W I L L and W I U C - F M , and Associate Professor of Journalism, asked to be relieved of his duties as Director of the Radio Stations so that he might devote all of his time to his responsibilities as Director of Public Information which, in a university of this size, should be a full-time position. However, he was willing to continue until a suitable man could be found not only to replace him as Director of the Radio Stations but also to coordinate all radio activities of the University. I have recently approved the appointment of Robert B. Hudson, presently Director of Education of the Columbia Broadcasting System ( C B S ) , to the position of Associate Professor in the School of Journalism and Director of University Broadcasting in the Institute of Communications, effective October IS, 1949- I recommend that Mr. Wright be relieved of his duties as Director of the Radio Stations, effective October 15, and that he be appointed full-time Director of Public Information and Associate Professor in the Sehool of Journalism, without any ehange in salary. I recommend further that F r a n k E. Schooley, presently Assistant Director of the Radio Stations, Assistant Director of Public Information, and Assistant Professor of Journalism be appointed Manager of Radio Stations W I L L and W I U C - F M and Assistant Professor of Journalism without any change in salary. The Station Manager will be under the direction of the Director of University Broadcasting. On motion of Mr. Herrick, these recommendations were adopted, and the President of the University was requested to express the Board's appreciation of Director Wright's thirty years of faithful and constructive service (see Appendix, page 881). UNIVERSITY PRESS AUTHORS' CONTRACTS (4) T h e Director of the University Press recommends that the Press be authorized to enter into contracts with authors of books it intends to publish and that the corporate officers of the Board of Trustees be authorized to execute such contracts on approval in each case by the President of the University. T h e basic form of the proposed contract has been approved by the Legal Counsel and Comptroller, and incorporates suggestions arising out of the experiences of many other presses. Briefly summarized, the provisions of the contract are as follows: