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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
8l2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 29 EXECUTIVE SESSION DETERMINATION O F WAGE RATES TO BE SPECIFIED IN CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS AT ROBERT ALLERTON PARK (1) T h e Board of Trustees on July 28, 1949, appointed Professors E. W . Cleary, C. A. Moyer, and John B. Parrish as a committee to hear objections filed by representatives of organized labor to the University's determination of wage rates on construction work at Robert Allerton Park. The hearing began on September 14, Mr. Lester Asher, Associate of Mr. Daniel D. Carmell of Chicago, represented the objectors. Professor William E. Britton, Legal Counsel, represented the University. T h e Legal Counsel reports that after disposition of preliminary matters Mr. Asher proposed a conference with University representatives. T h e latter agreed and the conferees then withdrew from the hearing room. The Legal Counsel further reports as follows: "At this conference Mr. Asher proposed, as a possible means of disposing of the present litigation by agreement, that the objectors would be willing to withdraw their objections to the University's determination of wage rates for the present construction work at Allerton P a r k and that in all respects the issues raised thereby be regarded as closed if the University and the objectors found it possible to agree upon some procedure for the determination of wage rates applicable to future construction work at Allerton Park. "University representatives agreed to canvass possibilities. Mr. Asher then proposed that for future construction work at Allerton P a r k the University designate the Slate Department of Labor as its agency to conduct the investigation required by the Prevailing Wage Act with power to make findings of fact and determinations of wage rates. "University representatives then withdrew from the conference with Mr. Asher and conferred on his proposal. W e agreed among ourselves: (1) that the suggested conclusion of the matter was of such a nature that it could not be summarily rejected; (2) that we would agree with Mr. Asher to concur in the proposed termination of the proceeding upon condition that it be modified as follows: that instead of using the State Department of Labor alone, there be appointed a committee composed of ( a ) the Director of the State Department of Labor, or a person designated by him, (b) a member appointed by the President of the University of Illinois, and (c) a member appointed by the State Federation of Labor, to conduct investigations of wage rates in Piatt County in connection with future construction work on the Allerton trust properties of the University in accordance with the Prevailing Wage Act and to report to the President of the University and to the Board of Trustees that they were not able to ascertain any prevailing wages, or if ascertainable, to report with respect to prevailing rates of wages involved in such construction work in that locality; and (3) it was further agreed that Mr. Asher, as the attorney acting for the objectors, would write a letter to the University stating that the claim of the objectors that labor unions in Champaign County had the right to determine wage rates in Piatt County for purposes of the Prevailing Wage Act was not in accordance with the Statute. "University representatives then called Mr. Asher and presented their counter proposal. Mr. Asher then conferred with his clients alone and on his return to the conference with University representatives accepted the counter proposal. The University and the objectors then joined in a motion for continuance of the Hearing. T h e Hearing Committee allowed the motion and fixed October 17 as the adjourned date for reopening the Hearing." T h e Legal Counsel, the Director of Nonacademic Personnel, and the Director of Robert Allerton P a r k recommend adoption of the following procedure as an instrument of settlement of future questions on rates of wages in Piatt County on the understanding that the pending hearing is dismissed by the objectors. It is recommended that there be appointed a fact-finding committee composed of ( a ) a member appointed by the Illinois State Federation of Labor, (b) a member appointed by the President of the University of Illinois, and
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