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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] 3. 4. 5. 6. G. R. P. H. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS H . Sandrock, Storekeeper E. Jensen, Carpenter Foreman D. Miller, Plumber-Steamfitter Foreman G. Brunner, Electrician Foreman Total, Building Maintenance Heat, Light, and P o w e r H H H H $ 2 (5 (S (5 II 807 820 304) 1 3°4)' 028) 1 640 1. B. M. Briggs, Chief Plant Operating Engineer Total, Heat, Light, and Power H $ (6 120)1 $ (6 120) Telephone and Information $ 1 no 1. Mrs. Jean H . Maury, Manager Public Information Office H25 (3 330) (See Public Information) GY75 (4 440) (Total Salary) 2 7002 2. Mrs. Anne Walker, Chief Switchboard Operator H 3. Mrs. Madelyn Cunat, Chief Switchboard Operator (Paid (2 700) from Item 2) H 2 322 4. Mrs. Adele Weber, Information Clerk H 2 280 5. Mrs. Clara Kosirog, Junior Account Clerk H Total, Telephone and Information $ 8 412 AUXILIARY E N T E R P R I S E S F o o d Service 1. Margaret Johnson, Chicago Mini Union Manager (See Chicago Mini Union) (Total Salary) 2. Mrs. Adeline Sladek, Assistant Food Service M a n a g e r . . . 3. Dorothy Deeken, Senior Account Clerk 4. Mrs. Jean H . Petrie, Dining Room Supervisor 5. Mrs. Ellen Leevy, Fountain Supervisor Total, Food Service University Bookstore 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. H . E. Summers, Manager E. E. Willis, Chief Clerk Mrs. Ancilla O. Zafaras, Senior Account Clerk John Robertson, Cashier Frank Goetker, Storekeeper Daniel Matteo, Storekeeper Mrs. Dorothy Conlon, Assistant Cashier Mrs. Violet Leithner, Junior Account Clerk Mrs. Rhoda Johnson, Senior Clerk-Typist , Senior Clerk-Stenographer Mary J. Cameron, Stores Clerk D. S. Kimura, Stores Clerk W . J. Hudson, Supply Attendant . Stores Clerk Total, University Bookstore 1 2 H60 H40 H H H H 3 (2 (5 3 2 2 2 $ 14 $ 542 362) 004)' 2103 8203 520s 490* 582 H H H H H H H H H PI H H H H $ 5 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 $ 37 400 360 000 940 880 760 520 400 400 400 980 980 040 800 95° Paid from Physical Plant Labor. On disability leave of absence without pay. 'With one meal a day while on duty, valued at $96 a year, furnished for the convenience of the employee.
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