Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1948] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 77 C. A. Petry & Sons, Champaign $2 865 E. N . DeAtley, Champaign 4 500 The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend award of a contract for this work to the lower bidder, C. A. Petry & Sons, Champaign, in the amount of $2,865. The Executive Committee authorized the award of this contract. Funds are available in the State appropriation for "Completion of the construction of Physics Research Laboratory" to provide for this improvement. 4. Award of Illinois C.P.A. certificates under Section 5 of the Accountancy Act of 1943 to the following candidates: Name Address Certificate from E D W I N ADELBERT FRANCIS CURTIS E P H R A I M GUFFEY W I L L I A M H E N R Y HOGAN W I L L I A M JOE NETTLES Chicago Paducah, Ky. Chicago Atlanta, Ga. Kansas Kentucky New York Texas RUSSELL S. NIDA GUY L. R I C H FRED EDWARD ROEDGER JOHN W I L L I A M S Detroit, Mich. Chicago Melrose P a r k Chicago Michigan Washington Ohio Kansas They have presented satisfactory evidence that they are holders of valid and unrevoked C.P.A. certificates obtained in other states by passing written examinations and that they meet all of the other conditions specified by this section of the Act. The Executive Committee authorized the award of these certificates. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT STODDARD The Board discussed items on the agenda and took action on the following matters presented by the President of the University. APPOINTMENT OF PAR DANFORTH AS DIRECTOR OF ROBERT ALLERTON PARK (1) I recommend the appointment of Mr. P a r Danforth, at present Executive Secretary of the Seattle Branch of the American Friends Service Committee, as Director of Robert Allerton Park with the rank of Professor, at an annual salary of $8,000, and that the President of the University be authorized to fix the effective date. This will be determined in part by Mr. Danforth's present commitments. A s Director of Robert Allerton Park, Mr. Danforth will not only supervise all P a r k operations but will also be director of all projects for which the Park and Robert Allerton House will be used. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, this appointment was made as recommended. PURCHASE OF RESIDENCE PROPERTIES FOR STAFF HOUSING (2) A t its meeting on July 21-22, 1948 (Minutes, page 3 ) , the Board of Trustees authorized the purchase of the residence property at 909 West Nevada Street, Urbana, from H . H . Mitchell, owner, for $17,500 on the basis of an independent appraisal procured by the University. The owner planned to use the proceeds to build a new house. H e has subsequently found that $17,500 is inadequate for this purpose and has secured appraisals of his own which value his property at $21,000. The purchase of this property was recommended because it is in an area of future campus expansion (for women's residence halls), and in the meantime the property could be used advantageously for staff housing. In view of the great difference in the appraisals and since the site will not be needed for several years, I recommend that the University not purchase the property at this time. On motion of Mrs. Holt, this recommendation was adopted. REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS O N INSURANCE PRACTICES (3) I am submitting an Insurance Report prepared by a temporary advisory committee to the Comptroller and to the President appointed April 28, 1948. Mr. William E. Britton can describe the work of the committee and Mr. Leslie A.