Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
728 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 28 Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Grounds Maintenance H e a t Salaries and Wages ' Li*ht' *nd Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Heat, Light, and Power P o w e r 9°° 100 (1 000) $ 7 292 $ 68 474 94 S 6 9 5°° (95 069) #163 543 H $ 8 412 7 4*>i (15 873) Salaries and Wages Telephone and Information 1. Nonacademic Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Telephone and Information c, , . , TJ7 Salaries ana wages Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Locker Service Salaries and Wages Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Projection Service Locker Service 12 950 $ 28 823 ? $ ' * 2517 75° 3 267 3 727 500 4 227 $ c ..... j n •>-«,, 4 Rentals and Restoration Expense ana Equipment Building Rental Drill Hall Rental Total, Rentals and Restoration C ,. J c -j. * Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Food Service F o o d Service S117 000 18 750 ?!35 75° $ 20 588 $ 20 588 AUXILIARY ENTERPRISES Summary The balances, receipts, and credits of the following self-supporting accounts and activities are appropriated for the expense of operation and maintenance of these activities. Salaries Other and Wages Expense Total Food Service (General) $ 96 750 S148 250 S245 000 University Bookstore (Trust) 42 950 195 500 238 450 Total, Auxiliary Enterprises 8139 700 S343 750 #4 8 3 45°