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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
yOO Salaries and Wages Salaries of Fellows Total, Fellowships BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fellowships [Juty 2 & $ 18 ooo $ 18 000 „ . , „, S C H O O L O F NURSING Salaries and Wages 1. , Director 2. Mrs. Ann L. Laird, Acting Director (See Research and Educational Hospitals, N u r s i n g ) . . (Total Salary) 3. Ruth M. Carroll, Associate Director (See Research and Educational Hospitals, Nursing) . . (Total Salary) 4. 1 Associate Director and Coordinator 5. Helen Bruck, Clinical Instructor of Nursing (Orthopaedic) 6. , Clinical Instructor of Nursing (Orthopaedic) 7. Dorothy Rausch, Clinical Instructor of Nursing (Pediatric) 8. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, School of Nursing PHYSICAL EDUCATION FOR MEN Salaries and Wages 1. J. W . Brown, Instructor 2, Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Physical Education for Men $ 7 200 DY I 680 DY25 (4 620) DY75 (6 300)' 600 DY10 (3 816) H90 (4 4i6)! 3 000 DY50 3 7443 DY DY DY H 3 2162 3 5043 2 424 (25 368) 315 (25 683) 36 300 2 000 (38 300) $ 63 983 DY H $ 4 800 2 802 (7 602) 1 788 (9 390) 2 200 500 (2 700) $ 12 090 AEROMED1CAL AND PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT LABORATORY (Under the Supervision of the Vice-President) Salaries and Wages 1. J. P. Marbarger, Director of Research BY) Associate Professor of Physiology AY J 2. M. K. Fahnestock, Engineering Director (Salary under College of Engineering) 3. Victor Guillemin, Jr., Biophysicist and Professor of Biophysics AY 4. DY j Physiologist « * H ^^ ° °°° 8 500 6 000 1 With room and one meal a day while on duty, valued at $192 a year, furnished for the convenience of the employee. 2 With room and board while on duty, valued at $384 a year, furniahed for the convenience 3of the employee. With one meal a day while on duty, valued at $96 a year, furnished for the convenience of the employee.
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