Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
692 Cooperative Investigations Salaries and Wages BOARD O F T R U S T E E S [July 28 UNITED STATES PUBLIC H E A L T H SERVICE TEACHING CANCER GRANT CT-630 1. J. D. Majarakas, Instructor C O L L E G E O F DENTISTRY Summary Administration Postgraduate Studies Admitting Clinic Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics Crowns and Fixed Partial Dentures Dental Clinics Dentistry for Children Full and Removable Partial Dentures Graduate Pedodontia Histology Medical and Dental History Operative Dentistry Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Orthodontia Pathology—Division of Oral Pathology Radiology Total, College of Dentistry E x p e n d a b l e Gift F u n d s Organized Research: Estimated New Projects and Renewals United States Government Contracts Organized Research: Estimated New Projects and Renewals Total, Trust Funds DY75 $ 3 000 . Salaries Other Total and Wages Expense $ 17 340 $ 6 750 $ 24 090 14 745 4 200 18 945 21 854 800 22 6.54 43 207 2 400 45 607 26 015 1 750 27 765 15 066 35 000 50 066 10 n o 1 500 11 610 37 966 1 750 39 716 19 140 1 800 20 940 34 920 2 500 37 420 5 295 5 295 31 400 I 200 32 600 27 666 2 450 30 116 26 560 5 500 32 060 17 917 2 500 20 4!7 14 220 3 000 17 220 #363 421 $73 100 S436 521 $ 8 000 $2 000 ?io 000 20 000 S28 000 7 500 S9 500 27 500 ?37 500 o , • j 117 Administration Salaries and Wages 1. A. G. Brodie, Dean (See Orthodontia) (Total Salary) 2. Isaac Schour, Associate Dean in charge of Postgraduate Studies (Salary under Postgraduate Studies and Histology) 3. F . B. Noyes, Dean and Professor of Orthodontia, Emeritus ( F r o m Retiring Allowances) 4. Mrs. Nell S. Talbot, Assistant to the Dean (See Medical and Dental History) (Total Salary) 5. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Dental R.O.T.C. Expense General Expense Contingent Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Administration BY20 $ 3 5oo (6 500) AY55 (10 000) DY70 AY30 H (2 320) 4 000 (2 500) (6 500) 9 HO (16 640) 700 (17 340) 2 3 (6 $ 24 250 750 750 750) 090