Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
69O ROCKEFELLER EPILEPSY F U N D S BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 28 5. , Research Assistant DY DY 3 500 7 000 MILLER EPILEPSY F U N D S 6. J. A. Bain, Research Associate in Pharmacology CONSULTATION CLINIC FOR EPILEPSY, JUNIOR LEAGUE SOCIAL SERVICE F U N D 7. 8. 9. NAVY T A S K 2 ( , Electroencephalographer Clinic Physician , Clinic Physician , Research Associate DY DY50 DY DY 3 400 3 300 5 000 4 000 1 500 1 000 3 500 CONSULTATION CLINIC FOR EPILEPSY, DIVISION OF SERVICES FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN F U N D 10. CONSULTATION CLINIC FOR EPILEPSY, DIVISION OF REHABILITATION 11. Ernst Haase, Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurology.. DY20 12. • , Clinic Physician D25 DIVIDED POSITIONS 13. George Mowery, Electroencephalographer DY (20% Consultation Clinic for Epilepsy Division of Rehabilitation; 80% U.S.P.H.S. R/56) Salaries and Wages •" 1. R. A. Harvey, Professor and Head of Department; Radiologist-in-Chief in Research and Educational Hospitals 2. T. J. Wachowski, Clinical Professor and Associate Radiologist 3. A. S. J. Petersen, Assistant Professor and Assistant Radiologist 4. D. P. Slaughter, Assistant Professor of Surgery; Director of Outpatient Tumor Clinic in Research and Educational Hospitals (See Surgery) (Total Salary) 5. Abraham Grossman, Assistant Professor and Assistant Radiologist 6. Lewis Haas, Assistant Professor and Assistant Radiologist 7. John Laughlin, Assistant Professor and Radiation Physicist RADIOLOGY BETATRON 8. , Research Associate 9. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages, Radiology Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense, Radiology Expense, Radiology Betatron Equipment, Radiology Betatron Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Radiology Salaries and Wages Rush-Presbyterian PATHOLOGY 1. C. B. Taylor, Assistant Professor (Rush) 2. Rene Hardre, Instructor BACTERIOLOGY 3. .33 Part-time Assistants (Rush) DY AY25 BY50 DY25 DY50 DY50 DY DY DY H $ 14 500 2 050 3 850 1 275 (3 000) (4 275) 3 800 5 000 7 000 6 000 9 300 (52 775) 170 (52 945) 1 2 6 (9 $ 62 000 500 000 500) 445 DY83 DY25 D $ 5 000 1 000 1 200