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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 687 10 400 7 300 5 800 2 100 (2 100) (4 200) Salaries and Wages Pharmacology 1. C. C. Pfeiffer, Professor and Head of Department AY 2. H . A. McGuigan, Professor, Emeritus 3. K. R. W. Unna, Associate Professor A 4. J. H . Last, Assistant Professor B 5. Elizabeth H . Jenney, Research Associate DY50 (From Bristol Penicillin Trust) DY50 (Total Salary) 6. T. R. Sherrod, Instructor D67 7. 2.5 Part-time Assistants DY TOXICOLOGY DIVISION 8. W. J. R. Camp, Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology ; State Toxicologist AY 9. V. A. Gant, Assistant Professor of Toxicology BY 10. 1.0 Part-time Research Assistants DY 11. Nonacademic Salaries H Total, Salaries Wages, Pharmacology Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense, Pharmacology Expense, Toxicology Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Pharmacology Cooperative Investigations Salaries and Wages UNITED STATES RENAL PHARMACOLOGY — L A S T 3 125 9 000 8 600 7 000 3 600 13 924 (70 849) 2 300 (73 149) 12 750 1 000 (13 750) 86 899 1. E. E. Bond, Research Associate ABBOTT LABORATORY FELLOWSHIP DY 3 000 2. R. I. H . Wang, Research Fellow (Payable in twelve installments from September, 1949) G P h y s i c a l Medicine a n d R e h a b i l i t a t i o n Salaries and Wages 1. H . W . Kendell, Professor and Head of Department; Chief of Physical Medicine in Research and Educational Hospitals 2. A. A. Rodriquez, Assistant Professor; Assistant Chief of Phvsical Medicine in Research and Educational Hospitals (From Cooperative Investigations) (Total Salary) OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY 3. Beatrice D. Wade, Associate Professor; Director of Occupational Therapy in Research and Educational Hospitals • 4. , Assistant Professor; Clinical Director of Occupational Therapy 5. Florence M. MacLean, Instructor (See Research and Educational Hospitals) (Total Salary) 6. Angeline A. Howard, Instructor (See Research and Educational Hospitals) (Total Salary) 7. Sarah L. Gephardt, Instructor (See Research and Educational Hospitals) (Total Salary) 3 1 500 DY75 DY 8 000 5 000 (500) (5 500) AY DY DY60 H40 DY60 H40 DY60 H40 6 000 4 2 (1 (3 2 (1 (3 2 (1 (3 500 310 540) 850) 310 540) 850) 310 540) 850) Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System.
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