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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
684 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ J u l y 2& Salaries and Wages Ophthalmology 1. W . F . Hughes, Jr., Professor and Head of Department; Ophthalmologist-in-Chief in Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary 2. P . C. Kronfeld, Professor 3. Hallard Beard, Professor 4. Mrs. Georgiana D. Theobold, Clinical Pathologist and Associate Professor 5. J. S. Haas, Assistant Professor 6. M. C. Benford, Instructor (Salary under Research and Educational Hospitals, Clinics) 7. F . M. Wilson, Instructor 8. R. E. Kennedy, Instructor 9. Maurice Pearlman, Instructor 10. H . Isabelle McGarry, Instructor 11. Martin TJrist, Instructor 12. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Ophthalmology AY90 AY75 AY50 DY20 DY50 $ 9 750 7 500 3 200 I 200 2 700 DY85 DY85 DY85 DY30 DY15 H 4 4 4 1 7 (46 1 (47 600 600 200 500 500 058 808) 000 808) 6 800 $ 54 608 Salaries and Wages Orthopaedic Surgery 1. F. A. Chandler, Professor and Head of Department; Director of the Illinois Surgical Institute AY50 (See Research and Educational Hospitals) 2. H. B. Thomas, Professor, Emeritus 3. F . W. Hark, Associate Professor AY25 4. C. N. Lambert, Associate Professor AY25 5. J. J. Fahey, Associate Professor AY25 6. T . A. Fox, Instructor DY45 7. C. V. Heck, Research Assistant DY50 8. .50 Part-time Assistants DY 9. Nonacademic Salaries H Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Orthopaedic Surgery Salaries and Wages Otolaryngology 1. F . L. Lederer, Professor and Head of Department; Otolaryngologist-in-Chief in Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary 2. Herbert Koepp-Baker, Professor of Clinical Speech Pathology and Director of Speech and Hearing Rehabilitation (See Division of Services for Crippled C h i l d r e n ) . . . . (Total Salary) 3. , Professor 4. Jean L. Utley, Assistant Professor of Audiology and Associate Director of Speech and Hearing C l i n i c . 5. P . H . Holinger, Associate Professor of Bronchoesophalogy 6. M. F . Snitman, Associate Professor 1 $ 6 450 1 1 1 1 1 I 19 (34 4 (39 ' 800 500 400 600 350 500 008 608) 875 483) 11 300 $ 50 783 AY80 DY25 DY75 AY50 DY DY50 DY50 $ 9 850 2 700 (7 500) (16200) 3 000 5 900 2 750 2 750 Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System.
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