Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
652 BOARD OF TRUSTEES H [July 28 2 400 (6 400) 700 (7 100) 1 1 (2 $ 9 000 500 500) 600 2. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Allerton Extension Center A l l e r t o n Main H o u s e O p e r a t i o n s (Entire bud et from Salaries and Wages « receipts) 1. Nonacademic Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Allerton Main House Operations H $ 4 400 8 560 (13 000) 12 000 $ 25 000 T r u s t Salaries and Wages ~ Robert Allerton Park 1. P a r Danforth, Director of Robert Allerton Park, with rank o£ Professor DY50 (See Allerton Extension Center) DY50 (Total Salary) 2. Nonacademic Salaries H Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Trust — Robert Allerton Park $ 4 (4 (8 20 (24 2 (27 ooo1 000) ooo) 1 640 640) 360 000) 500 000 500) 500 7 8 (15 $ 42 Expense and Equipment T r u s t - A l l e r t o n Main H o u s e Expense Total, Trust — Allerton Main House UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS BANDS Summary Salaries and Wages University of Illinois Bands £24 045 University of Illinois Bands Revolving Total, University of Illinois Bands £24 045 • , ,,, U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois B a n d s c , J Salaries and Wages 1. M. H . Hindsley, Acting Director (See Music) (Total Salary) 2. A. A. Harding, Director and Professor of Music, Emeritus 3. E. D. Kisinger, Assistant Director (See Music) (Total Salary) $ $ 7 500 7 500 Other Expense $7 000 2 500 $9 500 Total $31 045 2 500 £33 545 DY67 A33 B50 B50 $ 5 250 (2 259) (7 500) 2 2 500 (2 500) (5 000) 1 With room and board, valued at $480 a year, furnished for the convenience of the University. 2 Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System.