Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] INSTRUCTIONAL EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS STAFF A33 A67 A67 AY38 AY12 DY50 A28 A72 D37 D38 A25 DY AY50 AY50 AY25 AY25 AY50 BY50 BY50 DY50 DY50 DY50 DY50 DY50 DY50 DY50 DY50 BY50 BY50 BY50 BY50 DY50 DY50 DY33 DY67 2 (4 (6 2 649 3. F . H . Finch, Professor of Education (See Education) (Total Salary) 4. G. D. McGrath, Associate Professor of Education (See Education) (See University Council on Teacher Education) (Total Salary) 5. J. H . Shores, Associate Professor of Education (See Education) (Total Salary) PHYSICAL EDUCATION 000 000) 000) 719 (006) (3 625) (7250) I 540 (3 960) (5 500) 8101 815) 1 87s) 500) 6. G. T. Stafford, Coordinator of Health Education (See University Council on Teacher Education) (See Physical Education for Men) (Total Salary) 7. W. J. Huffman, Instructor in Physical Education in E x tension (See Physical Education for Men) LABOR AND INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS 2 (2 (1 (7 4 800 4 000 (4 000) (8000) 1 600 (1 600) (3 200) (6 400) 3 100 (3 100) (6 200) 2 400 (2 400) (4800) 2 750 (2 750) (5 500) 2 550 (2 550) (5 100) 2 625 (2 625) (5 250) 2 500 (2 625) (5 000) 2 625 (2 625) (5250) 2 000 (2 000) (4 000) I 400 (2 850) (4 250) 8. P . L. Garman, Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total Salary) 9. L. C. Pigage, Associate Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (See Mechanical Engineering) (Total Salary) 10. E. C. Wolfe, Associate Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) . . . . (Total Salary) 11. E. L. Phillips, Assistant Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial R e l a t i o n s ) . . . (Total Salary) 12. J. F . Humes, Assistant Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total Salary) 13. W . B. Schaffrath, Assistant Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total SalaTy) 14. H . L. Gammill, Assistant Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial R e l a t i o n s ) . . . (Total Salary) 15. J. M. Brumm, Assistant Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) (Total Salary) 16. O. H . Erickson, Assistant Professor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations) . . . . (Total Salary) 17. J. L. Tucker, Instructor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations). . . . (Total Salary) 18. , Instructor (See Institute of Labor and Industrial R e l a t i o n s ) . . . (Total Salary) SAFETY EDUCATION 19. G. W . Harper, Associate Professor of Safety Education and Executive Officer of Safety and Fire Protection Board BY25 (See Mechanical Engineering) BY75 (Total Salary) 1 2 000 (5 000) (7 000) The Kellogg Foundation will provide $1,875 of each of these amounts (total of $3,75°) for 1940-1050.