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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] U N I V E R S I T Y OF ILLINOIS 623 BY50 D50 H 2 400 (2 400) 6. Janet L. Weston, Assistant Professor of Economics (See Student Counseling Bureau) (Total Salary) 7. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Administration Business Organization and Operation Salaries and Wages 1. H . T. Scovill, Professor of Accountancy Head o f Department (Total Salary) 2. Lloyd Morey, Professor of Accountancy (Salary under Business Office) 3. E. J. Filbey, Professor, Emeritus 4. L. A. Bryan, Professor of Management (Salary under Institute of Aviation) 5. E. P. Strong, Professor of Management (Salary under Business Management Service) 6. , Professor of Management D. Converse, Professor of Marketing (See Bureau of Economic and Business Research) . . . (Total Salary) C H . Sandage, Professor of Marketing (See Journalism) (Total Salary) C. Littleton, Professor of Accountancy 9R. Dillavou, Professor of Business Law 10. W. Huegy, Professor of Marketing 11. F. Schlatter, Professor of Accountancy 12. A. Russell, Professor of Marketing 13. A. Borth, Professor of Accountancy 14(See Administration) (Total Salary) 15- H H . Baily, Professor of Accountancy 16. F. H Beach, Professo»of Marketing 17- C. A. Mover, Professor of Accountancy L. Newcomer, Professor of Accountancy 18. G. Anderson, Professor of Management. 19L. Theiss, Associate Professor 20. 21. R. I. Dickey, Associate Professor of Accountancy (See Administration) (Total Salary) 22. D J. Luck, Associate Professor of Marketing (See Bureau of Economic and Business Research) .. . (Total Salary) 23. C J. Gaa, Associate Professor of Accountancy 24. A. C. Condon, Associate Professor of Secretarial Training 25- M. J. Mandeville, Associate Professor of M a n a g e m e n t . . . 26. F. M. Jones, Associate Professor of Marketing 1 a (4 800) 33 046 (60 698) 1 500 (62 198) 12 000 12 000 (24 000) $ 86 198 A 50 AY50 P 4 840 5 9io (10 750) A A75 D25 A50 A50 A A A A AY40 3 DY60 3 A A A A A A AY40 3 DYbo 3 A 50 DY50 A D A A 9 6 (2 (8 4 (4 (8 8 7 7 7 000 000 000) 000) 000 000) 000) 000 750 250 250 3 685 (5 315) (9 000) 6 900 800 800 800 750 250* 2 800 (4 200) (7 000) 3 000 (3 650) (6 650) 6 500 6 000 6 000 5 7oo Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System. On leave of absence without pay until further notice; disability benefits payable by Retirement System. " Includes^ half-time teaching and half-time administration during the academic year and full-time administration during the sfimmer. 4 On leave of absence with pay for first semester of 1949-1050.
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