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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS C B25 s- BY75 595 200 600 800) 18. M. B. Linn, Assistant Professor, Plant Pathology. (Total Salary) 19- R. L. McMunn, Assistant Professor, Pomology.. . (Total Salary) B50 John Skok, Assistant Professor, Vegetable Crops. •Is- BY50 (Total Salary). David Gottlieb, Assistant Professor, Plant Pathology. BY50 (See Special Graduate Fund) BY50 (Total Salary) D50 22. T. H. Anstey, Assistant Professor, Pomology DY50 ^s- DY50 (See State Agricultural Extension) . E(Total Salary) C- B40 23. B L. Weaver, Assistant Professor, Vegetable Crops. S- BY60 (Total Salary) 24. L. A. Somers, Assistant Professor (See Smith-Lever Fund) BY B70 25. J. R. Culbert, Assistant Professor, Floriculture BY30 (Total Salary) 26. James Hutchinson, Associate, Emeritus (From Retiring Allowances) 27. W. N. Brown, Associate, Vegetable Crops (See Bankhead-Jones Fund) -DY D50 28. C. Y. Arnold, Associate, Vegetable Crops DY50 (Total Salary) 29. C. E. Chaplin, First Assistant, Pomology DY 30. , First Assistant, Plant Breeding (See Adams Fund) DY 31. C. E. Taylor, Instructor and First Assistant, Vegetable Crops DY50 (See State Agricultural Extension) DY50 (Total Salary) 32. 0 . E. Schubert, Instructor and First Assistant, PoDY50 mology (See State Agricultural Extension) DY50 (Total Salary) 33. G. M. Fosler, Instructor and First Assistant, FloriD50 culture DY50 (Total Salary) First Assistant, Food Technology 34(Salary under Food Technology) E 35- 1.75 Part-time Assistants 2.00 Part-time Assistants DY Total, Part-time Assistants H 36. Nonacademic Salaries H Total, Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries, College Total, Salaries, Station Total, Salaries Wages, College Wages, Station Total, Wages Total, Salaries and Wages, College. Total, Salaries and Wages, Station. Total, Salaries and Wages c-B70 BY30 s- '. s. s- '.(%• 560 040 600) 360 840 200) 700 700) 400) 675 675) 350) 660 340 000) 75o)> 93° 670 600) 1 420) 4 1 2 4 500) 93° 570 5°°) 3 600 2 4 400) 2 ioo 3 2 100) 4 200) 2 2 4 1 2 (4 5 5 (10 28 95 (123 (88 (r83 (271 1 (5 (89 (186 (276 100 100) 200) 720 280 000) no 420 53°) 962 010 972) 392) 035) 427) 200 000) 592) 835) 427) 3 800 leave of absence with pay for six months beginning March 1, 1950. With house, light, and telephone, valued at $360 a year, furnished for the convenience of the employee. 3 With house, light, and telephone, valued at $550 a year, furnished for the convenience of the employee. 1 On 3
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