Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] U N I V E R S I T Y OF ILLINOIS 553 University Retirement System Expense and Equipment For employer contributions to University Retirement System covering expected death and disability benefits, supplemental and current retiring allowances to employees of the University of Illinois, and a portion of the administrative expenses Total, University Retirement System Death and Disability Benefits Expense and Equipment For the purpose of providing for death benefits to persons retired prior to September 1, 1942, and for death and disability benefits to permanent and continuous employees of the University who are not participants in the University Retirement System Total, Death and Disability Benefits . , c- -. . Injuries to E m p l o y e e s c r J Expense and Equipment ' Expense Total, Injuries to Employees Committee on Accountancy Salads and Wages1 <Entire budSet Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Committee on Accountancy from receipts) $789 809 $789 809 $ $ 7 500 7 500 $ $ 7 5QQ 7 500 $15000 6 820 $ 21 820 Entrance Examinations Salaries and Wages' <Entire budSet Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Total, Entrance Examinations from receipts) $ 5000 2 700 8 600 $ COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES Summary Salaries Other and Wages Expense Administration $63 174 $12 400 Astronomy 7 225 740 Bacteriology 66 250 15 000 Botany 118 104 16 000 Chemistry 524 918 205 000 Classics 34 100 650 Division of General Studies 81 978 3 800 English 440 882 6 000 Entomology 47 170 3 700 French 85 270 I 000 Geography 62 450 2 800 Total #75 574 7 965 81 250 134 104 729 918 34 750 85 778 446 882 50 870 86 270 65 250 1 Salaries for Committee on Accountancy are paid by Office of Admissions and Records and funds are transferred annually to cover (see footnote to Office of Admissions and Records budget for amounts). 2 Salaries for Entrance Examinations are paid by Office of Admissions and Records and funds are transferred annually to cover (see footnote to Office of Admissions and Records budget for amounts).