Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] U N I V E R S I T Y OF ILLINOIS S4i ADMINISTRATION A N D GENERAL B o a r d of Truste Salaries and Wages « 1. H . E. Cunningham, Secretary (April I, 1949, through March 31, 1950) GY49 (See University Press) 2. Nonacademic Salaries H Total, Salaries Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, Board of Trustees $ 3 2401 8 976 (12 225) 25 000 500 (25 500) $ 37 725 c 1 • . ,M President's Office Salaries and Wages 1. George D. Stoddard, President 2. A. C. Willard, President, Emeritus 3. A. J. Janata, Assistant to the President 4. Wilbur Schramm, Assistant to the President (Salary under Institute of Communications) 5. Nonacademic Salaries Total, Salaries Wages Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment Expense Equipment Total, Expense and Equipment Total, President's Office Provost's Office Summary General Administration Provost's Office, General Total, General Administration General Student Service Student Counseling Bureau Total, General Student Service General University Service Bureau of Institutional Research Courses and Curricula Statistical Service Unit Total, General University Service Total, Provost's Office General Salaries and Wages 1. C. R. Griffith, Provost Professor of Education 2. C. M. Louttit, Assistant to the Provost Professor of Psychology 1 2 3 AY DY H $ 22 coo* s 11 000 20 970 (53 970) 1 800 (55 77o) 6 500 1 050 (7 550) $ 63 320 and Salaries Other Wages Expense S47 238 S13 700 (47 238) (13 700) 98 802 (98 802) Total ?6o 938 (60 938) 6 600 105 402 (6 600) (105 402) 33 15 57 (106 S252 695 3 200 36 895 080 100 15 180 520 40 321 97 841 295) (43 621) (149 916) 335 S63 921 ?3i6 256 DY) A| DY) AYj $ 15 400 Includes service to the Retirement System. With house and automohile furnished for the convenience of the University. Retiring allowance payable by Retirement System.