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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
532 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 28 1948-1949 Revised S27 558 971 10 182 380 S37 741 35i x S26 721 947 10 182 380 (36 904 327) 1 803 000 S37 707 327 $ 34024 COMPARATIVE SUMMARY OF INCOME AND APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Income General Restricted Total, Estimated Income Allocation of Estimated Income Appropriations by Board of Trustees From General Income From Restricted Income Total, Appropriations Reserve for Nonrecurring Purposes Total, Allocations Unappropriated Balance from General Income 1949-1950 S30 278 502 11 163 937 S41 442 439 ¥29 625 108 11 163 937 (40 789 845) 520 800' #41 309 845 $ 132 594 ESTIMATED INCOME Educational and General General Restricled Public Appropriations Income Income Total State (one-half biennial appropriations from tax revenues) $26 135 871 For Current Operations $26 135 871 For Division of Services for Crippled Children $ 1 032 057 1 032 057 For Institution for Tuberculosis Re71 500 71 500 Total, Stale (26 135 871) (1 i°3 557)(27 239 428) Federal 50 000 Morrill-Nelson Acts 50 000 n o 131 Bankhead-Jones Act (Teaching) n o 131 37 500 Smith-Hughes Act 37 500 30 000 Hatch and Adams Act 30 000 100 947 Bankhead-Jones Act (Research) 100 947 60 000 Purnell Act 60 000 26 050 Regional Research Act 26 050 Research and Marketing Act 68 817 68 817 Additional Cooperative Act 10 737 10 737 Bankhead-Flannagan Act 343 676 343 676 Capper-Ketcham Act 38 183 38 183 Research and Marketing Extension Act 3 500 500 Smith-Lever Acts (including Bankhead-Jones Extension) 53i 169 53i 169 Social Security Act—Services for 220 S48 220 848 Crippled Children Total, Federal (197 631) (1 433 927) (1 631 i58) Total, Public Appropriations (26 333 502) (2 537 484)(28 870 986) Student Fees 145 000 3 825 000 Gross 3 680 000 75 000 Deduct Estimated Refunds 70 000 5 000 (140 000) (3 750 000) Net, Student Fees (3 610 000) Sales and Services of Educational Departments and Miscellaneous Current Income 160 000 160 000 Research and Educational Hospitals 50 000 5° ° ° 0 Dentistry 5 000 391 812 396 812 Agriculture Physical Plant 25 000 25 000 AllOther 95 000 208 714 303 714 Total, Sales, Services, and Miscella(335 000) (600 526) (935 526) neous Current Income 1 Excludes Galesburg Undergraduate Division, $1,251,149 General and $633,454 Restricted; total,2 $1,884,603. Reserved for increasing regular 1950-1951 budget and available for nonrecurring purposes in 1949-1950, subject to Board appropriation.
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