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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 413 recommend an additional increase of $14,556.35 (for new design for switchboards, bus ducts, and transformer, $5,584.54; for increase in wiring throughout the building, $8,971.81) in the contract with the Leverenz Electric Company, Danville. These increases aggregate ($6,936.80, $120.00, $14,556.35) $21,613.15, to which must be added the cost of incandescent fixtures, $10,447.16, making a total of $32,060.31, as compared with an estimated cost of $55,000 for fluorescent fixtures. The net capital saving is $22,939.69. While current consumption of incandescent lighting is from two to two and one-half times that of fluorescent lighting, Professor J. O. Kraehenbuehl of the Department of Electrical Engineering, an expert on illumination, has advised that with the low cost to the University of producing electric power, from fifteen to twenty years of operation would be necessary before the saving in current would offset the higher capital cost of fluorescent lighting, and by that time the fixtures will probably be obsolete. Professor Kraehenbuehl states that maintenance of fluorescent lighting fixtures costs from two to three times the maintenance of incandescent lighting. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller be authorized to execute these changes in the contract. O n m o t i o n of M r s . W a t k i n s , t h e s e c h a n g e s w e r e a u t h o r i z e d . ADDITION TO ELECTRICAL CONTRACT FOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING BUILDING (28) The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend an increase of $4,280.20 in the contract with the Square Deal Electric Company for the electrical work in connection with the Mechanical Engineering Building. It has been possible to secure additional machine tools from the W a r Assets Administration as surplus government equipment at a very low cost to the University. Some of the machines were obtained for the cost of transportation and some of them at 5 per cent of the government appraised value. This additional equipment, however, required a revision of the arrangement of shop equipment and thirty-nine additional power connections. The architects checked the costs involved and find them very reasonable for the work to be done. Funds are available for this addition. I concur and request that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this addition to the contract. On motion of Mrs. Holt, this change was authorized. ADDITION TO CONTRACT FOR BUILDING ALTERATIONS FOR DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE (29) The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend an addition of $1,426 in the contract with E. II. Marhoefer, Jr., Company of Chicago for the intercommunication system in the Department of Physical Medicine, Chicago. The details for this work were not completely worked out when the original contract was awarded and the contract was let without it to avoid delay in starting the remodeling. Funds are available for this addition. I concur and request that the Comptroller be authorized to execute this addition to the contract. On motion of Mr. Nickell, this change was authorized. APPROPRIATIONS BY THE ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (30) The following appropriations by the Board of Directors of the Athletic Association are submitted to the Board of Trustees for their approval: 1. An appropriation of $2,000 for necessary paving of walks, drive, and apron to the barn at the golf course. 2. Supplementary appropriation of $13,000 for the completion of the well and other miscellaneous work necessary to complete the project at the golf course. On motion of Mr. McLaughlin, these appropriations were approved.
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