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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
394 Item One kiln, ceramic, electric, side loading, globar type element, i8*x24*x 18*, 2,200 degrees F.; one manual control board for the above kiln Concrete weirs for run-off studies at Robert Allerton Park One 8,000 gal. capacity automatic water softener to be installed in Gregory Hall Six 6o* executive desks, sixteen 50* secretarial desks, one 60* table, one 36* table, one 50* table, six cabinet telephone stands, seven costumers, two bookcases, all walnut Approximately 1,400 cases of Pyrex laboratory glassware to be ordered for delivery during period from July i, 1949, through June 30, 1950 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Art [May 21 Cost f.o.b. Columbus 1 272 70 Vendor Pereny Equipment Co., Columbus, Ohio Oran L. Shoemaker & Co., Champaign Permutit Co., Chicago Jack Sheean, Bloomington Agricultural Engineering Physical Plant Commerce and Business Administration 5 450 00 2 466 00 f.o.b. factory 2 631 55 f.o.b. Urbana Approximate Amount 3 000 00 3 000 00 3 000 00 3 000 00 3 000 00 3 000 00 3 000 00 3 000 00 3 000 00 1 923 49 2 826 33 General Chemical Stores One carryall suburban truck University's share of cost of 28 steers p u r c h a s e d by t h e t e n a n t for Wright Farm No. 3 One filter, rotary, vacuum, 18* diameter, 12" face, stainless steel, horizontal platform One nursery thresher mounted on a two-wheel rubber tired trailer and powered by a 6 hp cooled, gasoline engine One five-ton refrigeration unit completely installed with accessories and control for the twenty-man experimental pressure chamber in the Physical Environment Laboratory One Teca low-volt generator model CD-7 1,600 padlocks, combination with set of master keys to be serially numbered and furnished with list of combination, similar to Yale's No. S89 40 stainless steel dog storage cages; 8 stainless steel dog metabolism cages One 12H" lathe with 30* between centers, compound rest, round tool post, thread chasing dial, chip pan, headstock center bushing, two centers, wrenches, cabinet legs large, and small face plates, steady rest taper nose, spindle headstock, tail stock, and 1 )4 hp motor with controls One milling machine with 8K*x3o* table with 3 T-slota and 19" long, table travel, r hp geared head motor drive, push button starter, machine light, depth stop for head, adjustable micrometer dials and e l e v a t e d feed screws, s p i n d l e speeds 100-175-365-700-1350 rpm. Museum of Natural History Agricultural Economics Chemistry Agronomy Central Scientific Co., Chicago Chicago Apparatus Co., Chicago A. Daigger & Co., Chicago A. S. LaPine & Co., Chicago Rascher & Betzold, Chicago E. H. Sargent & Co., Chicago Schaar & Co., Chicago W. M. Welch Manufacturing Co., Chicago Wilkens-Anderson CoChicago Sullivan Chevrolet Co., Champaign Ivan J. Stoddard, Rochelle Eimco Corp., Chicago Bill's Welding Shop, Pullman, Wash. Reliable Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Co., Chicago (University's share) 3 097 00 f.o.b. Urbana 1 450 00 f.o.b. Pullman 2 915 00 Medicine Physical Medicine Physical Sciences Teca Corp., New York City McMaster-Carr Supply Co., Chicago f.o.b. New York r 185 04 2 340 00 Animal Hospital Agricultural Engineering DuBois Engineering & Manufacturing Co., Hammond, Ind, R. K. LeBlond Tool Co., Chicago 8 540 00 1 845 64 f.o.b. Cincinnati, Ohio Agricultural Engineering Peoria Tool & Engineering Co., Peoria 1 560 00 f.o.b, Waltham,
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