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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Department Chemistry Vendor Joseph Behr & Sons, Rockford 355 Cost 5 497 00 Item One lathe with 18* swing and 72* between centers, 12 spindle speeds 14 to 345, compound rest, round tool post, large and small face plates, thread chasing dial, automatic length stop, steady rest, follow rest, centers, wrenches and 208/3/60 motor with controls One rebuilt No. 2 high speed, dial type milling machine with 7 }4 hp 3 ph, 60 cycle motor 208 V, one high number index attachment for dividing head, one 6" 3 jaw universal chuck, one 50 1A-18-4 Arbor, and one motor driven overarm attachment with 1 ^ hp 208/3/60 cycle motor for 9 spindle speeds from 100 to 1030 r.p.m. One is* lathe with 42" centers, 6'bed complete with all standard equipment and 12 speed gear and belt driven head 3 hp. 208/3/60 cycle open type motor, magnetic starter with forward, reverse and stop drum switch, small face plate, graduated compound rest; chip pan and safety clutch on feed drive mechanism 16,000 board feet 2x4 fir No. 2 and better in 8 to 20; 10,000 board feet 2x6 fir No. 2 and better in 8 to 20; 2,000 board feet 2x8 fir No. 2 and better in 8 to 20; 2,000 board feet 2x10 fir No. 2 and better in 8 to 20 One comminuting machine complete with 3 hp 220/440/3/60 1750 r.p.m. motor with thermal protected starter, 7 stainless steel screens, all required sheaves for speeds of 1000, 2250, and 4600 r.p.m, One 1949 1 }4 ton van truck. Less allowance on 1936 Chevrolet 1 }i ton van truck No. 284. One 8-channel console model electroencephalograph, complete f.o.b. Cincinnati, Ohio Chemistry Peoria Tool & Engineering Co., Peoria 9 500 00 f-o.b. Chicago Chemistry R. K. LeBlond Machine Tool Co., Chicago 3 955 46 f.o.b. Cincinnati, Ohio University of Illinois Foundation Frank Paxton Lumber Co., Chicago Food Technology Fitz Mill Corp., Chicago 2 356 00 f.o.b. Amenia Siding, Monticello 1 053 86 f.o.b. Chicago Physical Plant Psychiatry, Medicine Dillavou & Bland, Urbana Grass Instrument Co., Quincy, Mass. 3 700 00 f.o.b. Quincy COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS EXECUTED MARCH 1 1 , 1 9 4 9 , TO APRIL 1 0 , 1 9 4 9 With Whom Navy Department Navy Department, Office of Naval Research Navy Department, Office of Naval Research National Academy of Sciences Bird Electronic Corp. With Whom Swanson Associates (jointly with local taxing agencies in Urbana-Champaign) American Federation of Arts Purpose N-171 S-85760 N6 ori-07123 N8 onr-79600 Study of most desirable qualifications of aircraft pilots Development of thermal R. F. voltmeter Purpose Comprehensive community development plan Show exhibition "The Arts Work Together" April 8 to 28, 1949, at Chicago Amount to be Paid to the University $ 500 00 6 480 00 1 200 00 Date August 31, 1948 January 14. 1949 February 1, 1949 February 17, 1949 11 000 00 February 21, 1949 Amount to be Paid by the University 40% of total but not over 20 000 00 135 00 Date November 30, 1948 February 24, 1948
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