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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
354 Item One 2i*x28* single color offset printing press complete with motor and starter; one set of equipment for making plates One fireproof canvas to cover area- in our specifications and blueprint for girls gymnasium at Navy Pier Draperies for new Women's Residence Hall student rooms One 85 gal. per hour capacity continuous ice cream freezer with electric equipment 550 cases paper towels; 350 cases toilet tissue, 2,000 sheet rolls, 50 rolls per case; 50 cases toilet tissue, 1,000 sheet rolls, 100 rolls per case 631 single bit 4 lb. axes with No. 1 36* handle; handles to be enameled and lettered "U. of I. for Fire Use Only" Four steel drawer sections 4'zK" x o,'i*X3% i84drawe.ra;4steeldrawer sections 4'2tf"x3'4."x2', 56 drawers; to have linoleum top with stainless steel binding 4,000 lbs. 25x38 60 lb. white enamel book paper One 16 mm. Fastex camera 48 units 36^x78* grey steel book shelving for private offices in the new Mechanical Engineering Building One quartz spectrophotometer with accessory kit One 3 2fx72' steel building to be erected on site east of present Office Supply Warehouse, for use as receiving station and warehouse 6,000 board feet 2" clear northern white pine, rough, kiln dried—6" and wider in io'-i6' lengths; 6,000 board feet 1 yi" ditto One glass working lathe complete with standard equipment, all speed drive and universal chuck One 1949 Chevrolet zlA ton truck, van type with conventional cab. Less allowance on 1936 International 2X ton van truck. One 10" variable speed, sensitive precision toolmakers lathe with 3 hp 220/440/3/60 variable voltage motor; speed range 25 to 2500 r.p.m. through V belts and 4 to 400 r.p.m. through back gears; Sjogren collet attachment, collets, t a p e r a t t a c h m e n t and metric transposing gears One milling machine with 5 hp 220/ 3/60 motor, midgetmill, overarm and overarm cradle, arbor of 1" diameter and 12" shoulder to nut, 1 arbor 1" diameter 18" shoulder to nut One 3'xi 1" radial drill of 1 $i" capacity and No. 4 Morse taper spindle, traverse travel at least 25*, arm travel at least 2iff, 2 hp 220/3/60 motor, 1200 r.p.m. with 8 spindle speeds from 60 to 1200 r.p.m., box type table and double back gears BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Print Shop Vendor Harris-Seybold Co., Chicago Admiral Canvas Co., Chicago W. Lewis & Co., Champaign Cherry-Burrell Corp., Chicago [April 21 Cost 14 665 64 f.o.b. Dayton, Ohio 2 520 0 0 Chicago Undergraduate Division, Physical Plant Residence Halls Food Technology 6 289 50 3 775 22 f.o.b. Cedar Rapids, Iowa 5 505 50 Physical Plant Duckett Paper Co., Champaign Black & Co., Champaign Physical Plant 1 457 58 Botany Jack Sheean, Bloomington Office Supply Store Engineering Experiment Station Mechanical Engineering Chemistry, College of Pharmacy Purchasing Office Bradner Smith & Co., Chicago Western Electric Co., New York City W. B. Read & Co., Bloomington Chicago Apparatus Co., Chicago Harshbarger Building & Supply Co., Urbana White Pine Lumber Co., Chicago Litton Engineering Labs., Redwood City, Calif. 6 280 00 1 450 00 1 659 25 1 350 00 12 325 40 Physical Plant 4 248 00 Physics Physical Plant Sullivan Chevrolet Co., Champaign Monarch Machine Tool Co., Sidney, Ohio 4 895 00 f.o.b. San Carlos, Calif. 2 714 35 Physics 5 778 00 f.o.b. Sidney, Ohio Physics Jackson-Fotsch Co., Chicago 6 371 90 f.o.b. Milwaukee 4 019 50 f.o.b. Chicago Heights Chemistry Canedy-Otto Manufacturing Co., Chicago Heights
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