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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Department Agricultural Administration Psychiatry Vendor Dealers Sales Co., Danville Central Scientific Co., Chicago Chicago Apparatus Co., Chicago 353 Cost i 175 78 f.o.b. Robbs 2 182 i o Item i,68o rods 32* woven wire fencing; 12 80-rod spools barbed wire One portable refrigerated centrifuge, I n t e r n a t i o n a l E q u i p m e n t Co. model PR-i, No. 1B0, 115 volt AC, 60 cycles, with accessories 15 Spencer No- 33 MH or Bausch and Lomb No. BA8 monocular medical microscopes with triple nosepiece in 16 mm., 4 mm., and 1.8 mm. oil immersion objectives 10X eyepiece only, condenser and mechanical stage, less carrying One 42" direct process printer for copying from translucent material College of Pharmacy 3 47i 65 General Engineering Drawing Ozalid Division, General Aniline & Film Corp., Chicago Chicago Apparatus Co., Chicago Professor F. C, Francis will negotiate for the purchase Lincoln Office Supply, Lincoln General Chemical Co., Chicago Mojonnier Brothers Co., Chicago Offner Electronics, Inc., Chicago 1 514 70 f.o.b. Johnson City, N.Y. Five balances, laboratory, analytical, chainweight with magnetic damper, capacity 200 grams, sensitivity 1/20 gram at full load 40 head good quality feeder steers weighing approximately 600 lbs. 40 6o"x32* full quartered oak executive desks to be placed in stock and sold to departments as required 45 cases sulfuric acid, 20 cases acetic acid, 45 cases hydrochloric acid, 35 cases nitric acid, 35 cases ammonium hydroxide (all Reagent) One milk solids tester with rheostat and thermostat control upon the vacuum ovens Accessory equipment for the Offner electroencephalograph: 3 amplifiers, 3 crystographs, and 9 cables, to complement the present installation in the Physical Medicine Department One combination impact testing machine with tools for Izod and Charpy for capacities of 110-220 ft. lbs. and to include an additional pendulum hammer for capacities of 30-60 ft. lbs.; to be interchangeable with 110-220 ft. lbs, pendulum hammer; with dial having four scale ranges as follows: o to 220 ft. lb. graduated into units for 1 ft, lb.; o to n o ft. lb. graduated into units of 1 ft. lb.; o to 60 ft. lb. graduated into units of K ft. lb.; o to 30 ft. lb. graduated into units of % ft. lb. One 80-qt. gear drive mixer with standard attachments %" tan carpet to be installed on running track in Men's Old Gymnasium One farm tractor to replace tractor lost in fire at Newton Experiment Field One laboratory fume hood and cabinet unit Furnish labor and material to repair two silos at the University South Farm One spectrophotometer, recording in optical density One polaragraph—model X X Sargent No. 29303 Chemistry 1 846 00 Animal Science Office Supply Store General Chemical Stores Food Technology Physical Medicine 7 000 00 (approximately) 2 572 00 f.o.b. factory 1 951 94 2 001 00 f.o.b. Chicago 1 214 82 delivered and installed 2 120 58 Civil Engineering Riehle Testing Machines Division, American Machine & Metals, Inc., East Moline f.o.b. Urbana Residence Halls Physical Plant Agronomy Electrical Engineering Physical Plant Chemistry College of Pharmacy Hobart Sales Agency, Springfield A. D. Sackett, Champaign H. M. Crews & Son, Newton Walrus Manufacturing Co., Decatur John D. Bolton & Co., Evanston Applied Physics Corp., Pasadena, Calif. E. H. Sargent & Co., Chicago 1 593 68 1 55o 00 1 350 00 1 202 00 1 453 00 7 700 00 f.o.b. Pasadena 1 650 00
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