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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 291 On motion of M r . Fornof, this resolution was adopted, the sale of property to the Y.M.C.A. w a s made, and the proceeds were made available for the purchase of other lands within the Medical Center District as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, M r . Fornof, M r . Herrick, Mr. Hickman, M r s . Holt, M r . Livingston, M r . McLaughlin, D r . Meyer, Mr. Nickell, M r s . Watkins, M r . Williamson; no, none; absent, Mr. Stevenson. INVITATION FROM GOVERNOR STEVENSON The Secretary read the following letter from Governor Stevenson. Mr. Harrison Cunningham March 3, 1949 Administration Building University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois DEAR MR. CUNNINGHAM: I would be much honored if the Trustees of the University would see fit to have lunch with me, followed by the April meeting of the Board, at the Executive Mansion. I think most any date other than Friday or Saturday would be satisfactory if that serves the Board's convenience. I have spoken to Kenney Williamson about this, and he suggested my writing you. Let me know if and when it will be convenient and how many will be present. Sincerely yours, ADLAI E. STEVENSON Governor On motion of M r . Hickman, this gracious invitation w a s accepted, the date to be selected by the President of the University and the President of the Board, and the Secretary w a s instructed to notify the Governor. OPEN SESSION When the Board convened in open session, the same members a n d officers were present as during the morning session; also M r . I. L. Porter, Treasurer, a n d Director J. F . W r i g h t . MISS MARIETTA STEVENSON INTRODUCED At this point, the President of the Board introduced Miss Marietta Stevenson, Director of Social W e l f a r e Administration, who was present at the invitation of the Board. APPOINTMENTS T O T H E FACULTY MADE BY THE PRESIDENT OF T H E UNIVERSITY The Secretary reported that the President has approved the following new appointments to the faculty of t h e rank of Assistant Professor a n d above since the previous meeting of the Board of T r u s t e e s : 1. ARTHUR M. MCANALLY, Associate Professor of Library Science, and As- sistant Director of the Public Service Departments, in the Library, beginning July 1, 1949, at an annual salary of $6800. 2. HOWARD WILK, Assistant Professor of Hygiene, and Medical Adviser for Men, beginning July I, 1949, at an annual salary of $550O. 3- GEORGE T. WOODS, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Extension, in the De- partment of Veterinary Pathology and Hygiene, in the College of Veterinary Medicine, and in the Extension Service in Agriculture and Home Economics, beginning May I, 1949, at an annual salary of $5000. On motion of M r . McLaughlin, these appointments were confirmed. MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT STODDARD The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University.
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