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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 243 APPOINTMENT OF HEAD OF DEPARTMENT OF ENTOMOLOGY (1) T h e Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences recommends the appointment of Professor William Patrick Hayes, now Acting Head of the Department of Entomology, as Head of the Department on indefinite tenure effective as of February 1, 1949, at an annual salary rate of $7,500. I concur in this recommendation. O n m o t i o n of D r . M e y e r , t h i s a p p o i n t m e n t w a s m a d e a s r e c o m mended. APPOINTMENT OF PROFESSOR HAROLD L. WALKER AS ACTING DIRECTOR OF THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF MINES A N D MINERALS (2) At the request of the Governor, I have authorized Professor Harold L. Walker, Head of the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, to accept appointment as Acting Director of the State Department of Mines and Minerals. Professor Walker desires to retain his present University position, carrying on his new duties concurrently with the State assignment and without change in salary. This I have approved. I request confirmation of my action. On motion of Mr. Davis, this action was confirmed as requested. APPOINTMENTS TO PROFESSIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE OF THE DIVISION OF SERVICES FOR CRIPPLED CHILDREN (3) The Board of Trustees has authorized the appointment of a Professional Advisory Committee of the Division of Services for Crippled Children to work with the Superintendent of the Division in providing necessary contacts between it and the University. The present committee was appointed for two years from December I, 1946. The Vice-President in charge of the Colleges of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy submits the following nominations for reappointments and new appointments to this Committee for two years from December I, 1948I concur in these appointments. Reappointments ALLAN G. BRODIE, Orthodontist, Chicago HAROLD CAMP, Secretary-Treasurer of State Medical Society, Monmouth MAUDE CARSON, Chief of Division of Public Health Nursing, Illinois Department of Public Health, Springfield FREMONT A. CHANDLER, Orthopedic Surgeon, Chicago EDWARD L. COMPERE, Orthopedic Surgeon, Chicago H U G H E. COOPER, Orthopedic Surgeon, East Peoria WOODRUFF L. CRAWFORD, Pediatrician, Rockford ROLAND R. CROSS, Director of State Department of Public Health, Springfield WATSON GAILEY, Ophthalmologist, Bloomington DORA GOLDSTINE, Medical Social Worker, University of Chicago PAUL W . GREELEY, Plastic Surgeon, Chicago JULIUS H . H E S S , Pediatrician, Chicago P A U L H . HOLINGER, Broncho-Esophagologist, Chicago HERBERT KOEPP-BAKER, Audiologist, Chicago P H I L I P LEWIN, Orthopedic Surgeon, Chicago FREDERICK W . MERRIFIELD, Maxillofacial Surgeon, Chicago EDNA NICHOLSON, Executive Secretary of Central Service for the Chronically 111, Chicago ERIC OLDBERG, Neurologist and Neurosurgeon, Chicago HENRY G. PONCHER, Pediatrician, Chicago GEORGE E. SHAMBAUGH, J R . , Otolaryngologist, Chicago JOHN THOMPSON, Orthodontist, Chicago New Appointments STUART BROADWELL, Otologist, Springfield RAY BROWN, Superintendent of University of Chicago Clinics, Chicago JANE BULL, Secretary of Committee, Executive Director of Commission for Handicapped Children, Chicago FRANCIS J. GERTY, Psychiatrist, Chicago
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