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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
22 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 22 Resolved: That the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association recommend to the President of the University and the Board of Trustees that due consideration be given to the establishment of adequate housing facilities for students immediately, in order that this disgraceful situation may be corrected; and be it further Resolved: That the members of the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association, in convention assembled, hereby endorse the recommendations of the Advisory Committee and pledge themselves, individually and collectively, to employ every means of legitimate influence in the consummation of this important task; and be it further Resolved: That copies of these resolutions be transmitted to Dr. A. C. Ivy, Vice-President in charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges, Dr. George D. Stoddard, President of the University of Illinois, and Mr. John R. Fornof, President of the Board of Trustees. This report was received for record. APPOINTMENTS TO THE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (23) The Vice-President in charge of the Chicago Professional Colleges and the Dean of the College of Pharmacy recommend the appointment of the following as members of the College of Pharmacy Advisory Committee: HAROLD A. W I L D , Joliet, to replace Dale Ruedig, whose term has expired (four years beginning July 1, 1948) OTTO J. PELIKAN, Oak P a r k (five years beginning July 1, 1048) The other members of the Committee are: JACK I. READER, Chicago, Chairman (one year beginning July 1, 1948) W. EDWIN BROWN, Quincy (three years beginning July I, 1948) CHARLES R. WALGREEN, JR., Chicago (two years beginning July 1, 1948) WALTER A. HARRIS, ex officio, President of the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association. I concur in the recommendations of Doctor Ivy and Dean Series. O n m o t i o n of M r . N i c k e l l , t h e s e a p p o i n t m e n t s w e r e m a d e a s recommended. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR ELECTRICAL WORK FOR UTILITIES DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM IN CHICAGO (24) Bids have been received for electrical work in switch room "C" in connection with the utilities distribution system installation at the Chicago Professional Colleges. The lowest bid is considerably below others received; however, the contractor has been investigated and his financial responsibility and organization are considered satisfactory. The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend the award of the contract to the lowest bidder, the Chicago Square Z Electric Company, on the basis of their base bid of $11,543, with a 3 per cent escalation cost, making the maximum obligation $11,889.29. I concur and recommend that the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board be authorized to execute this contract. O n m o t i o n of M r . N i c k e l l , t h i s c o n t r a c t w a s a w a r d e d a n d a u t h o r i t y was granted as recommended. AWARD OF CONTRACTS FOR REMODELING 1 0 0 7 SOUTH WRIGHT STREET, CHAMPAIGN (25) The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees on July 1, 1948, approved a special appropriation of $27,300 for remodeling the two houses at 1007 South Wright Street, Champaign, for office quarters for the College of Education. Due to the urgency of the project, the Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommend that the remodeling work be done by the contractors with whom the University had standing contracts for minor building remodeling during 1947-1948. It is also recommended that the work be done on the basis of cost plus the same percentage of cost as was allowed under the standing contracts.
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