Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1949] With Whom War Department, Quartermast er Corps War Department, Medical Corps War Department, Medical Corps UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Amount to be Paid to the University 5 400 00 237 Date December 31, ro47 War Department, Headquarters Fifth Army War Department, Headquarters Fifth Army Veterans Administration Purpose Study of isolation of compounds responsible for unpalatable dried whole milk (Contract No. W - u i83-qm-i872) Studies of prolonging life of hepatectomized frogs (Contract No. W-40-007-MD-446) Study of the effect of nutrition on convalescence after injuries, diarrhea diseases, chronic infections, liver diseases (Contract No. W49-007-MD-451) Course in internship Postgraduate course in prosthetic dentistry (Contract No. W - n 175-TNG (AAV)24i) Instruction of veterans under PL16 at Urbana-Champaign (Contract No. VAaSr vr-1049) 3 460 00 39 220 00 July 15. 1948 July 1, 1948 None 600 00 Rates per contract July 1, 1948 July 1, 1948 February 8, 1948 Amount to be Paid by the Purpose University Remodeling room 12 Physical Plant $ 1 010 00 Service Building 21 530 00 Water treating equipment at Abbott Power Plant (Includes 10% (Approved as a purchase May 22, 1948, Minutes, page 1108) escalation clause) Museum of Modern Art Show exhibition "Marcel Breuer: 75 00 and transporArchitect and Designer" at tation fee Chicago 75 00 Museum of Modern Art Show exhibition "What Is Modern and transporDesign?" at Chicago tation fee Meter lease at Chicago Commonwealth Edison Rates per contract Co. Dry cleaning service at Galesburg Rates per Knox Laundry contract 2 220 75 C. O. Henriksen Co. Maintenance on heating boilers at Galesburg Herb Strausberger Install tile lines on Wright Farm 3 5o 73 No. 3 Herb Strausberger 437 75 Install tile lines on Wright Farm No. 3 None O. K. Papers Loan of napkin dispensers at Navy Pier 2 666 30 Illinois Power Co. Gas service for housing projects plus meter 11277, 11287, r 1306 reading With Whom F. E. Gates Marble & Tile Co. Permutit Co. CONTRACT CHANGE IN EXCESS OF $5,000 Amount to be Paid by the Purpose University Additional charges due to increase $5 684 73 in labor and material cost for power plant additions authorized in contract Date August 20, 1948 May 28, 1948 June 22, 1948 August 28, 1948 November 5, 1948 November 10, 1948 September 27, 1948 September 16, 1946 With Whom Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Co. Date July 28, 1948 CHANGE ORDERS FOR C O S T - P L U S CONTRACTS UNDER STANDING CONTRACTS OF J U L Y I , 1948 With Whom Lewis S. Colbert Reliable Plumbing & Heating Co. Schroeder's Heating & Ventilating Square Deal Electric Co. Purpose Sixteen change orders Twelve change orders Seven change orders Five change orders Amount $19 141 36 5 782 00 5 830 54 2 854 00