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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
204 BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECTRONIC DIGITAL COMPUTER PROJECT [January 13 (9) O n January 8, 1948 (Minutes, page 954), the Board of Trustees authorized the purchase of an electronic digital computer ( E D V A C ) at an estimated cost of $150,000 from the Reeves Instrument Company, Inc., New York, and funds were made available for this purpose. This is highly specialized equipment and the machines are constructed on a limited basis so that each one is practically a custom job. It has been determined that the Reeves Company can not supply the University with a machine meeting specifications in a reasonable length of time and is willing to terminate the contract. T h e alternative is for the University to construct the machine under the supervision of its own experts. There is also a very good possibility that the United States Army will contract with the University for the construction of a computer by the University for the Ordnance Department, all costs of the same to be paid by the Government. T h e negotiations are now under way and if successful a proposed contract will be presented to the Board at a later date. T h e construction of two machines concurrently should result in saving to the University. I recommend that the Board of Trustees reconsider its action of January 8, 1948, and authorize (1) the construction of the electronic digital computer by the University; ( 2 ) the use of the funds previously assigned ($75,000 from General Reserve, $75,000 from Graduate College Research, total $150,000) for salaries, wages, equipment, building remodeling, and contingencies as the detailed needs of the computer construction program may require; and (3) negotiation of a contract "with t h e Ordnance Department, United States Army, for the construction of a computer for the Army, said contract to be subject to approval by the Board. On motion of Mr. Williamson, the action of January 8, 1948 (Minutes, page 954), was rescinded and the funds were reallocated as recommended, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Dr. Luken, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Stevenson. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR NONRECURRING EXPENDITURES (10) T h e Committee on Special Appropriations and Nonrecurring Expenditures recommends assignments from the General Reserve Fund for the following purposes: 1. Office of Nonacademic Personnel for ventilating the attic of Davenport House $ 2 325 2. Office of Admissions and Records for equipment 5 000 3. Dean of Students for equipment 2 500 4. College of Agriculture for equipment 100 000 5. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences For equipment 15 ° ° ° For safety improvements in Noyes Laboratory 50 000 6. College of Engineering for equipment 125 000 7. College of Fine and Applied Arts for equipment 15 000 8. College of Education for equipment 6 500 9. Graduate College for purchase of electron microscope 2 495 (The total cost of this microscope is $4,090; the Research Board will contribute the other half of the cost.) 10. Library and Library School for equipment 4 000 11. Physical Plant Department Development of parking areas 28 667 Temporary central receiving station 22 000 12. Chicago Professional Colleges Remodeling and equipment in Business Office 3 000 Special equipment 100 000 Improvements in Department of Physical Medicine n o 000 13. Physical Environment Unit, Chicago and Urbana 48 000 14. Galesburg Undergraduate Division for library shelves 2 000 Total $641 487
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