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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I949] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I97 I concur and request that the Board authorize the offer of an option for the purchase of this land at $600 an acre. This matter was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, with power to authorize the purchase of an option at a cost (for the option) of not to exceed one thousand dollars.1 HOUSING AT CHICAGO MEDICAL CENTER (3) Mr. Newton C. Farr reported progress on financing two residential buildings for students and apartments for staff members in the Medical Center in Chicago. Dr. Ivy and Mr. Farr commented on this matter. SALE OF LAND FOR SITE OF Y . M . C . A . (4) Mr. Farr recommends the sale to the Y.M.C.A. of two parcels of land on West Polk Street in Chicago, at the prices attached: I935-1937 West Polk, 6250 square feet, $3,125; 1940-1953 West Polk, 903114 square feet, $9,031.25. Dr. Ivy recommended that this sale be made, subject to the approval of the Committee on Chicago Departments. On motion of Mr. Nickell, this matter was referred to the Committee on Chicago Departments for consideration and recommendation to the Executive Committee, and the Executive Committee was authorized to complete the sale, subject to stipulations previously approved by the Board, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Davis, Mr. Fornof, Mrs. Holt, Mr. Livingston, Mr. McKelvey, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Nickell, Mr. Williamson; no, none; absent, Dr. Luken, Mr. McLaughlin, Mr. Stevenson. REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (5) The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees on December 9, approved the following recommendations received from the President's Office: 1. Award of a contract for the installation of a fuel oil distribution system in the Drill Field housing area to Gallaher and Speck, Inc., Chicago, in the amount of $39,045. On July 22, 1948 (Minutes, page 20), the Board of Trustees authorized the employment of the firm of Neiler, Rich, and Bladen, Chicago, for the purpose of making studies of the engineering phase of a centralized system for distributing oil to the Drill Field housing project. The plan which this firm submitted eliminates the necessity of servicing the fifty-gallon ordinary oil drums, which are on racks in front of each building and used for fuel storage. The proposed system provides for four buried tank stations which will be connected with the buildings and to the individual heaters by means of a buried copper pipe and controlled by automatic device. Seven firms were invited to bid, but only two bids were received for the installation of this system as follows: Carson-Pay son Company, Danville $43 952 Gallaher and Speck, Inc., Chicago 39 045 The bids provided that if more than three inches of frost are encountered, the cost will be increased on a sliding scale up to $1.10 a foot. The Director of the Physical Plant Department and the Comptroller recommended, the President's Office concurring therein, the award of a contract to the lower bidder, Gallaher and Speck, Inc. Funds were available for this installation from the income of the project. It is estimated that the installation will provide an annual saving of $30,000 in labor costs. 2. Award of a contract for installation of steam lines in the Nurses Home at the Chicago Professional Colleges to Fettes, Love, and Sieben, Chicago, in the amount of $1,747. The following bids were received on the installation of a 3" high-pressure steam line and a V/i" return line in the basement of the Nurses Home at the 1 See page 226 below.
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