Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
184 Item 3,000 board feet i*x6* B & better S4S K / D Fir lumber 8' to 20' long; 3,000 board feet i"x8* ditto; 10,000 board feet 2**4" No. r & better ditto; 9,000 board feet 2^x6" No. 1 & better ditto; 9,000 board feet 2*xB" N O . I & better ditto Miscellaneous items of Cox balanced e q ui pment for pressure study and equipment for torsional vibration study 150 reams 22x34 4° lb. 100% rag bond paper; 24 reams 22x34 32 lb. ditto watermarked with U. of I. seal; 200 reams 22x34 40 lb. 25% rag bond2 paper; 150 reams 22x34 3 lb- ditto, watermarked with University of Illinois One 194S Ford % ton heavy duty express truck, to replace a 1931 Dodge truck which is beyond repair General radio electronic equipment Ten No. 33H Spencer microscopes, complete with cases One Diesel electric generator set, 60KW with following equipment: battery, rubber dampener, exhaust silencer, frequency meters, ammeter phase, fuel tank and fittings and 12* flexible exhaust tubing 4,000 copies of book "History of Building Developments in Chicago" to be printed and bound R.C.A. type 2 BL electronic heater One set equipment for testing automobile engine electrical systems Approximately 20 purebred polled Hereford heifer calves 500 cases No. 207 Ft. Howard bleached hand towels; 200 cases 4 ^ 1 4 ^ ten lb. manila toilet tissue 1500 sheets a roll; 20 cases 4 % x 4 % ten ib. manila toilet tissue 1000 sheets a roll 20,000 gallons 72-74 octane gasoline A.S.T.M. 22 Gamewell fire alarm boxes to be added to the central fire alarm system BOARD OF TRUSTEES Department Physical Plant [November 19 Cost 3 313 98 f.o.b. Champaign Edward Hines Lumber Co., Chicago Mechanical Engineering Commercial Research Laboratories, Inc., Detroit, Mich. J. W. Butler Paper Co., Chicago 3 553 50 f.o.b. Detroit 5 270 93 f.o.b. Urbana Office Supply Store Physical Plant Dana Hudelson, Inc., Champaign General Radio Co., Chicago 1 697 69 Speech Botany Physical Plant 2 238 50 f.o.b. Cambridge, Mass. A. S. Aloe Co., 2 529 00 St. Louis, Mo. f.o.b. Urbana Stockberger-Seastrom, Inc., 8 707 95 Peoria delivered Engineering Experiment Station Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Agricultural Administration Physical Plant Waverly Press, Inc., Baltimore, Md. 7 083 98 Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing 2 241 35 Co., Chicago 1 208 44 Joseph Weidenhoff, Inc., f.o.b. Chicago factory To be selected by depart5 000 00 ment representative Decatur Paper House, 3 879 00 Decatur Physical Plant Physical Plant Ohio Oil Co., Urbana Gamewell Co., Chicago 3 379 20 delivered 4 920 00 f.o.b. Newton, Mass. Purchases Authorized The following purchases have been authorized by the President of the University on the recommendations of the Director of Purchases and the Comptroller. Unless otherwise specified the purchases were made on the basis of lowest bids. Item Draperies for the public areas of the new Women's Residence Hall Two 176* x 6tf" x 1 K" four edge reversible blades for No. 10014 Cincinnati Shear Department Physical Plant Physics Vendor W. Lewis & Co., Champaign Cincinnati Shaper Co., Cincinnati, O. Cost $7 344 77 2 383 00 f.o.b. Cincinnati