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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1950 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
180 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 19 APPENDIX APPOINTMENTS MADE BY THE PRESIDENT (The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University. Part-time appointments are shown by fractions after the name of the department. C — College; S ~ Station; E — Extension.) BALLARD, GEORGE P., Clinical Assistant, Medicine (Medicine), eleven months beginning October I, 1948, without salary (10-30-48). BLAISUELL, DONALD C , Visiting Professor, Political Science, five months beginning February 1, 1049, $4000 (10-30-48). BOND, EPPERSON E., Research Associate, Pharmacology (Medicine), October 4, 1948-August 31, 1949, $3000 a year (11-11-48). BUCY, PAUL C , Professor, Neurology and Neurological Surgery (Medicine) ( J 4 ) , indefinite tenure beginning October I, 1948, $1800, supersedes (10-30-48). CHRISTIAN, WILLIAM A., Clinical Instructor, Medicine (Medicine), eleven months beginning October 1, 1948, without salary (10-30-48). CLARK, CARL E., Assistant, Radiology (Medicine), ten months beginning November I, 1948, without salary (10-30-48). COOGAN, MARY M., Assistant, Chemistry, nine months beginning September 16, 1948, $2400, supersedes (10-20-48). CROSS, DOROTHY M., Research Assistant, Physiology (Medicine), three months beginning October 1, 1948, $183.33 '<>• month (11-2-48). DANFORTH, PAR, Director, Robert Allerton Park, rank of Professor (Division of Universit3' Extension), eight months beginning January 1, 1949, $8000 a year, also provided living quarters (11-1-48). DAVID, M R S . GRACE, House Director, Women's Annex, ten months beginning September 1, 1948, $1350 (10-20-48). DOWELL, DOROTHY, Instructor, Labor and Industrial Relations and Extension ( I n stitute of Labor and Industrial Relations and Division of LIniversity E x tension), October 15, 1948-August 31, 1949, $3900 a year (10-20-48). D u BRUL, E. LLOYD, Assistant Professor, Oral Anatomy (Histology) i1/-), Assistant Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery {Yi), Assistant Professor, Department of Postgraduate Studies (%), (Dentistry), ten months beginningNovember 1, 1948, $5800 a year, supersedes (11-2-48). Fix, LESTER W., Assistant, Pathology (Medicine), October 14, 1948-August 31. 1949, without salary (10-30-48). FRY, FRANCIS J., Special Research Associate, Electrical Engineering ( S ) , full time, October 1, 1948-February 8, 1949, $5200 a year (}i), February g-August 31, 1949, $3900 a year, supersedes ( n - 1 1 - 4 8 ) . GAGNON, JAMES A., Instructor, Histology (35/100), Operative Dentistry (40/100) (Dentistry), October 4, 1948-August 31, 1949, $3375 a year, supersedes (10-20-48). GRAHAM, R U T H E., Assistant Professor, Hygiene, Medical Advisor for W?omen (Undergraduate Division in Chicago) (y2), two months beginning September I, 1948, $3500 a year (11-2-48). GREENGARD. JOSEPH, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatrics (Medicine), October 15, 1948-August 31, 1949, without salary (10-20-48). GRIFFITH, GORDON L., Special Research Assistant, Physics ( S ) , seven months beginning February 1, 1949, $270 a month, supersedes (11-12-48). GRUNWALD, MARSHALL F., Assistant Professor, Applied Materia Medica and Therapeutics (Dentistry) (Ys), one year beginning September 1, 1948, $1680, supersedes (11-11-48). GUNTER, MARTIN J., Instructor, Clinical Science (Medicine), one year beginning October 1, 1948, without salary (10-30-48). HAINES, ALEYNE C , Assistant, Bureau of Research and Service ( y i ) , one year beginning September 1, 1948, $1400, Assistant, Education (Y2), nine months beginning September 16, 1948, $1200, supersedes (11-11-48). HAYIIEN, EDGAR C , Special Research Associate, Electrical Engineering ( S ) , full time, September 16, 1948-February 8, 1949, $5200 a year {YA), February 9August 31, 1949, $3900 a year, supersedes (10-20-48). HIRSCH, M R S . AUGUSTA K., Research Assistant, Chemistry (Graduate College), one year beginning October 1, 1948, $3000 (10-30-48).
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